
Oh what a wonder the world is for an astonished eye!

أيا عجب الدنيا لعين تعجبت

1. Oh what a wonder the world is for an astonished eye!
And O flower of days, how you have changed!

١. أَيا عَجَبَ الدُنيا لِعَينٍ تَعَجَّبَت
وَيا زَهرَةَ الأَيّامِ كَيفَ تَقَلَّبَت

2. The days make me go around and around like a spindle
The days have climbed and dove at me

٢. تُقَلِّبُني الأَيّامُ عَوداً وَبَدأَةً
تَصَعَّدَتِ الأَيّامُ لي وَتَصَوَّبَت

3. And I blame my days for frightening me
But I do not see my days being troubled by the blame

٣. وَعاتَبتُ أَيّامي عَلى ما تَروعُني
فَلَم أَرَ أَيّامي مِنَ الرَوعِ أَعتَبَت

4. I will lament to people the lost youth
The world made youth decay and turned it grey

٤. سَأَنعي إِلى الناسِ الشَبابَ الَّذي مَضى
تَخَرَّمَتِ الدُنيا الشَبابَ وَشَيَّبَت

5. And I have an end that my breathing runs toward
Whenever a breath of mine draws near

٥. وَلي غايَةٌ يَجري إِلَيها تَنَفُّسي
إِذا ما انقَضَت تَنفيسَةٌ لي تَقَرَّبَت

6. And examples are made of me with every glance
And events have tested and tried me

٦. وَتُضرَبُ لي الأَمثالُ في كُلِّ نَظرَةٍ
وَقَد حَنَّكَتني الحادِثاتُ وَجَرَّبَت

7. My soul yearns for a lowly world
To which abode does my soul yearn?

٧. تَطَرَّبُ نَفسي نَحوَ دُنيا دَنِيَّةٍ
إِلى أَيِّ دارٍ وَيحَ نَفسي تَطَرَّبَت

8. And souls were made stingy, so whenever
One of them thought of generosity, it avoided it

٨. وَأُحضِرَتِ الشُحَّ النُفوسُ فَكُلُّها
إِذا هِيَ هَمَّت بِالسَماحِ تَجَنَّبَت

9. The world has certainly deluded many generations
And the world has certainly tired and busied generations

٩. لَقَد غَرَّتِ الدُنيا قُروناً كَثيرَةً
وَأَتعَبَتِ الدُنيا قُروناً وَأَنصَبَت

10. It is the abode whose morning hastens death upon its people
When the sun rises and sets

١٠. هِيَ الدارُ حادي المَوتِ يَحدو بِأَهلِها
إِذا شَرَّقَت شَمسُ النَهارِ وَغَرَّبَت

11. I have suffered harm from the world's wolves that change colors
It has seditions that it has pulverized and taken away

١١. بُليتُ مِنَ الدُنيا بِغولٍ تَلَوَّنَت
لَها فِتَنٌ قَد فَضَّضَتها وَذَهَّبَت

12. And how wondrous are the terms in their deceits!
And how wondrous are the fortunes in how they are attained!

١٢. وَما أَعجَبَ الآجالَ في خُدَعاتِها
وَما أَعجَبَ الأَرزاقَ كَيفَ تَسَبَّبَت

13. I have seen the most hated of people
Win the love of others with a soul that endeared itself

١٣. رَأَيتُ بَغيضَ الناسِ مَن لا يُحِبُّهُم
يَفوزُ بِحُبِّ الناسِ نَفسٌ تَحَبَّبَت