
His ancestors taught him in his childhood

أجداده علموه في طفولته

1. His ancestors taught him in his childhood
To kill the enemy and gain praise through munificence

١. أَجدادُهُ عَلَّموهُ في طُفولَتِهِ
قَتلَ العِدى وَاِكتِسابَ الحَمدِ بِالجودِ

2. So he uprooted the fortunes of envious foes
And in his generosity spent all he possessed

٢. فَاِجتَثَّ دابِرَ أَعداءٍ ذَوي حَسَدٍ
وَفي السَماحَةِ أَفنى كُلَّ مَوجودِ