1. Imbibe your heart with hatred of pleasures,
And recall the coming of the abodes of the dead.
١. أَشرِب فُؤادَكَ بِغضَةَ اللَذّاتِ
وَاِذكُر حُلولَ مَنازِلِ الأَمواتِ
2. Let no delight distract you from your return,
It will vanish and leave lasting regrets.
٢. لا تُلهِيَنَّكَ عَن مَعادِكَ لَذَّةٌ
تَفنى وَتورِثُ دائِمَ الحَسَراتِ
3. Indeed, tomorrow's fortunate one is humble and content,
A servant of God with the best of intentions.
٣. إِنَّ السَعيدَ غَداً زَهيدٌ قانِعٌ
عَبدَ الإِلَهِ بِأَحسَنِ الإِخباتِ
4. Perform the prayers on time with ablution,
Beware of missing the appointed times.
٤. أَقِمِ الصَلاةَ لِوَقتِها بِطُهورِها
وَمِنَ الضَلالِ تَفاوُتُ الميقاتِ
5. And if your Lord expands your provision, then make
The most virtuous the recipients of your charity.
٥. وَإِذا اِتَّسَعتَ بِرِزقِ رَبِّكَ فَاِجعَلَن
مِنهُ الأَجَلَّ لِأَوجُهِ الصَدَقاتِ
6. Among kin and distant folk alike at times,
For alms are paired with prayers.
٦. في الأَقرَبينَ وَفي الأَباعِدِ تارَةً
إِنَّ الزَكاةَ قَرينَةُ الصَلَواتِ
7. And be good to your neighbor fulfilling his needs,
By granting what he asks of necessities.
٧. وَاِرعَ الجِوارَ لِأَهلِهِ مُتَبَرِّعاً
بِقَضاءِ ما طَلَبوا مِنَ الحاجاتِ
8. And lower your wing if you gain power,
And dislike vanity and weaknesses.
٨. وَاِخفِض جَناحَكَ إِن رُزِقتَ تَسَلُّطاً
وَاِرغَب بِنَفسِكَ عَن هَنٍ وَهَناتِ