
We are in an abode of distress and affliction,

إنا لفي دار تنغيص وتنكيد

1. We are in an abode of distress and affliction,
An abode where its days call out to it with separation.

١. إِنّا لَفي دارِ تَنغيصٍ وَتَنكيدِ
دارٌ تُنادي بِها أَيّامُها بيدي

2. We have truly known you, O life, with knowledge
That has become certain for us, so decrease or increase as you wish.

٢. لَقَد عَرَفناكِ يا دُنيا بِمَعرِفَةٍ
صَحَّت لَنا فَاِنقُصي إِن شِئتِ أَو زيدي

3. We see the nights and days rushing
Upon us and upon you with division and estrangement.

٣. نَرى اللَيالِيَ وَالأَيّامَ مُسرِعَةً
فينا وَفيكِ بِتَفريقٍ وَتَبعيدِ

4. Parting from this world and its inhabitants has become inevitable,
Yet one hopes for immortality, though it is no abode of permanence.

٤. جَدَّ الرَحيلُ عَنِ الدُنيا وَساكِنها
يَرجو الخُلودَ وَلَيسَت دارَ تَخليدِ

5. O soul, unto death my eyes are entrusted,
So turn away from it or deviate if you can.

٥. يا نَفسُ لِلمَوتِ بي عَينٌ مُوَكَّلَةٌ
في كُلِّ وَجهٍ فَروغي عَنهُ أَو حيدي

6. If this abode will not last for me,
Why should I weary myself with founding and building?

٦. إِن كانَتِ الدارُ لَيسَت لي بِباقِيَةٍ
فَما عَنائي بِتَأسيسٍ وَتَشيِيدِ

7. Fate has never clothed me in its happiness
Without being accompanied by misfortune and loss.

٧. لَم يَكسُني الدَهرُ يَوماً مِن مَسَرَّتِهِ
إِلّا جَرى مِنهُ مَكروهٌ بِتَجريدِ

8. And I have a day of death that has no defense,
If it came to me, my strategies would surely fail.

٨. وَلي مِنَ المَوتِ يَومٌ لا دِفاعَ لَهُ
لَو قَد أَتاني لَقَد ضَلَّت أَقاليدي

9. Praise be to God! All creation is imperfect,
Shifting between abandonment and support.

٩. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ كُلُّ الخَلقِ مُنتَقِصٌ
مُصَرَّفٌ بَينَ خِذلانٍ وَتَأيِيدِ

10. And all that the mothers have given birth to
Are bound to a death which the hours of birth will fulfill.

١٠. وَكُلُّ ما وَلَدَتهُ الوالِداتُ إِلى
مَوتٍ تُؤَدّيهِ ساعاتُ المَواليدِ