
Alas! Will my time ever be auspicious,

ألا هل على زمني مسعد

1. Alas! Will my time ever be auspicious,
When the most generous are gone?

١. أَلا هَل عَلى زَمَني مُسعَدُ
وَأَنّى وَقَد ذَهَبَ الأَجوَدُ

2. After they left, I remain in gloom,
Seeing many who will never be praised.

٢. وَأَصبَحتُ في غابِرٍ بَعدَهُم
تَراهُم كَثيراً وَلَن يُحمَدوا

3. Alas! O you who plead urgently
With one who neither helps nor makes happy!

٣. أَلا أَيُّها الطَلِبُ المُستَغيثُ
بِمَن لا يُغيثُ وَلا يُسعِدُ

4. Alas! Will you not ask of God His bounty?
For His gifts will never diminish.

٤. أَلا تَسأَلُ اللَهَ مِن فَضلِهِ
فَإِنَّ عَطاياهُ لا تَنفَدُ

5. Do you not know, poor soul, whether you go
Seeking provision or stay put,

٥. أَلَم تَعي وَيحَكَ مِمّا تَقو
مُ في طَلَبِ الرِزقِ أَو تَقعُدُ

6. That desperation will not deny people their rights,
Nor will money come to one who strives.

٦. فَما يَحرِمُ العَجزُ أَصحابَهُ
وَلا يُرزَقُ المالَ مَن يَجهَدُ

7. Rely on God, be content, and do not
Refuse the favor of one whose favor is dire.

٧. تَوَكَّل عَلى اللَهِ وَاِقنَع وَلا
تَرِد فَضلَ مَن فَضلُهُ أَنكَدُ

8. For greed has sworn it will never
Fulfill those who expect it.

٨. فَقَد حَلَفَ البُخلُ أَلّا يُرى
بِها مَن يَتِمُّ لَهُ مَوعِدُ

9. If people's hands are closed to you,
Then God's hand does not close.

٩. وَإِن جَمَدَت عَنكَ أَيدي العِبادِ
فَإِنَّ يَدَ اللَهِ لا تَجمَدُ

10. I see people boastful and striking
With the villainy of their deeds and their thunder.

١٠. أَرى الناسَ طُرّا وَقَد أَبرَقوا
بِلُؤمِ الفِعالِ وَقَد أَرعَدوا

11. Each believes himself a master,
Though their actions have no virtue.

١١. وَكُلٌّ يَرى أَنَّهُ سَيِّدٌ
وَلَيسَ لِأَفعالِهِ سودَدُ

12. Oh, how I wish I knew which of them
I should turn to when in need!

١٢. فَيالَيتَ شِعري إِلى أَيِّهِم
إِذا عَرَضَت حاجَةٌ أَقصِدُ

13. If I come to the best of them seeking
Greetings, he shuns me while his gut churns,

١٣. إِذا جِئتُ أَفضَلَهُم لِلسَلا
مِ رَدَّ وَأَحشاؤُهُ تُعِدُ

14. As if from fear of my question
A black snake stirs in his eye.

١٤. كَأَنَّكَ مِن خَوفِهِ لِلسُؤا
لِ في عَينِهِ الحَيَّةُ الأَسوَدُ

15. So flee to God from their villainy!
For I see people have become tyrannical.

١٥. فَفِرَّ إِلى اللَهِ مِن لُؤمِهِم
فَإِنّي أَرى الناسَ قَد أَصلَدوا

16. When the glorious one disdains
To be generous, when will he be praised?

١٦. إِذا كانَ ذو المَجدِ مُستَأنِياً
بِبَذلِ النَدى فَمَتى يُحمَدُ