
People have a racecourse to run after life,

للناس في السبق بعد اليوم مضمار

1. People have a racecourse to run after life,
And the finish line is either Heaven or Hell.

١. لِلناسِ في السَبقِ بَعدَ اليَومِ مِضمارُ
وَالمُنتَهى جَنَّةٌ لا بُدَّ أَو نارُ

2. Death is true, yet I remain playful,
As if denying death is my way.

٢. المَوتُ حَقٌّ وَلَكِن لَم أَزَل مَرِحاً
كَأَنَّ مَعرِفَتي بِالمَوتِ إِنكارُ

3. I build a house with no family or neighbor to inhabit it.
How miserable is the home of one disobeying the Creator!

٣. إِنّي لَأَعمُرُ داراً ما لِساكِنِها
أَهلٌ وَلا وَلَدٌ يَبقى وَلا جارُ

4. Yet for the God-fearing, it is a blessed home.

٤. فَبِئسَتِ الدارُ لِلعاصي لِخالِقِهِ
وَهيَ لِمَن يَتَّقيهِ نِعمَتِ الدارُ