
A man is measured by a man

يقاس المرء بالمرء

1. A man is measured by a man
When he walks with him

١. يُقاسُ المَرءُ بِالمَرءِ
إِذا ما هُوَ ماشاهُ

2. And for the heart over the heart
There is evidence when it meets it

٢. وَلِلقَلبِ عَلى القَلبِ
دَليلٌ حينَ يَلقاهُ

3. And for the form over the form
There are standards and similarities

٣. وَلِلشَكلِ عَلى الشَكلِ
مَقايِيسٌ وَأَشباهُ

4. And in the eye is abundance for the eye
That mouths speak

٤. وَفي العَينِ غِناً لِلعَي
نِ أَن تَنطِقَ أَفواهُ

5. And do not accompany the ignorant brother
And beware of him and beware of him

٥. وَلا تَصحَب أَخا الجَهلِ
وَإِيّاكَ وَإِيّاهُ

6. So how many an ignorant made stray
A forbearing one when befriending him

٦. فَكَم مِن جاهِلٍ أَردى
حَليماً حينَ آخاهُ

7. And the one with intellect, if he associates
With the healthy, will make him his enemy

٧. وَذو العُرِّ إِذا ما اِحتَك
كَ ذا الصِحَّةِ أَعداهُ