1. O soul, how long will you misguide me?
How long will you not take care of me?
١. يا نَفسُ أَنّى تُؤفَكينا
حَتّى مَتى لا تَرعَوينا
2. How long will you not be reasonable?
You hear, see, and make me aware
٢. حَتّى مَتى لا تَعقِلي
نَ وَتَسمَعينَ وَتُبصِرينا
3. You have become more hopeful than those gone by
And weaker in conviction than them
٣. أَصبَحتِ أَطوَلَ مَن مَضى
أَمَلاً وَأَضعَفَهُم يَقينا
4. There will come upon you what
Destroyed past generations
٤. وَلِيَأتِيَنَّ عَلَيكِ ما
أَفنى القُرونَ الأَوَّلينا
5. O soul, long have you held on
To the ropes of wishes, at times and at others
٥. يا نَفسُ طالَ تَمَسُّكي
بِعُرى المُنى حيناً فَحينا
6. O soul, unless you reform
And emulate the righteous
٦. يا نَفسُ إِلّا تَصلُحي
فَتَشَبَّهي بِالصالِحينا
7. And think upon what I say
So that your heart may soften
٧. وَتَفَكَّري فيما أَقو
لُ لَعَلَّ قَلبَكِ أَن يَلينا
8. Where are those who gathered and
Lived feeling safe from events?
٨. أَينَ الأُلى جَمَعوا وَكا
نوا لِلحَوادِثِ آمِنينا
9. Erased by time which is
Endless for all creatures
٩. أَفناهُمُ الأَجَلُ المُطِل
لُ عَلى الخَلائِقِ أَجمَعينا
10. Thus their dwellings and what
They gathered belong to others
١٠. فَإِذا مَساكِنُهُم وَما
جَمَعوا لِقَومٍ آخَرينا