
You have amassed from this life and hoarded greedily,

جمعت من الدنيا وحزت ومنيتا

1. You have amassed from this life and hoarded greedily,
Yet you have nothing left except what you gave away and used up.

١. جَمَعتَ مِنَ الدُنيا وَحُزتَ وَمُنّيتا
وَما لَكَ إِلّا ما وَهَبتَ وَأَمضَيتا

2. Of all people eat, nothing's left for you
Except what you consumed of lawful property and finished off.

٢. وَما لَكَ مِمّا يَأكُلُ الناسُ غَيرُ ما
أَكَلتَ مِنَ المالِ الحَلالِ فَأَفنَيتا

3. For you is everything you put before you,
Nothing remains for others once you are gone.

٣. وَما لَكَ إِلّا كُلُّ شَيءٍ جَعَلتَهُ
أَمامَكَ لا شَيءٌ لِغَيرِكَ بَقَّيتا

4. Of all people wear, nothing's yours
Except what you clothed yourself in, and what you wore out.

٤. وَما لَكَ مِمّا يَلبَسُ الناسُ غَيرَ ما
كَسَوتَ وَإِلّا ما لَبِستَ فَأَبلَيتا

5. You're left with belongings and merchandise
As if you've parted with them and cast them aside.

٥. وَما أَنتَ إِلّا في مَتاعٍ وَبُلغَةٍ
كَأَنَّكَ قَد فارَقتَها وَتَخَلَّيتا

6. So envy no living man for his long life
With something, unless you envy the dead.

٦. فَلا تَغبِطَنَّ الحَيَّ في طولِ عُمرِهِ
بِشَيءٍ تَرى إِلّا بِما تَغبِطُ المَيتا

7. O you who take life easy and light!
I see you have squandered it and forgotten.

٧. أَلا أَيُّهَذا المُستَهينُ بِنَفسِهِ
أَراكَ وَقَد ضَيَّعتَها وَتَناسَيتا

8. If you miss excellence in religion you are not chided,
Yet if you succeeded in life you rose and built up.

٨. إِذا ما غُبِنتَ الفَضلَ في الدينِ لَم تُبَل
وَإِن كانَ في الدُنيا قَطَبتَ وَبالَيتا

9. What you desire you will attain,
What you don't, you turn a blind eye to.

٩. وَإِن كانَ شَيءٌ تَشتَهِهِ رَأَيتَهُ
وَإِن كانَ ما لا تَشتَهِهِ تَعامَيتا

10. You have babbled all kinds of nonsense boastfully
And have drawn some people to it, and distanced others.

١٠. لَهِجتَ بِأَنواعِ الأَباطيلِ غِرَّةً
وَأَدنَيتَ أَقواماً عَلَيها وَأَقصَيتا

11. You gathered what you should not gather,
And lagged in what you should have hastened to do.

١١. وَجَمَّعتَ ما لا يَنبَغي لَكَ جَمعُهُ
وَقَصَّرتَ عَمّا يَنبَغي وَتَوانَيتا

12. You belittled the dwellings of the people of this world,
Then vied in it with lofty buildings.

١٢. وَصَغَّرتَ في الدُنيا مَساكِنَ أَهلِها
فَباهَيتَ فيها بِالبِناءِ وَعالَيتا

13. You threw off the cloak of modesty,
And strutted proud morning and night.

١٣. وَأَلقَيتَ جِلبابَ الحَيا عَنكَ ضِلَّةً
فَأَصبَحتَ مُختالاً فَخوراً وَأَمسَيتا

14. You went public until you feared no taboo,
Nor moderated what you took and gave.

١٤. وَجاهَرتَ حَتّى لَم تَرِع عَن مُحَرَّمٍ
وَلَم تَقتَصِد فيما أَخَذتَ وَأَعطَيتا

15. You competed for riches unlawfully,
And were excessive in spending them.

١٥. وَنافَستَ في الأَموالِ مِن غَيرِ حِلِّها
وَأَسرَفتَ في إِنفاقِها وَتَعَدَّيتا

16. You cast aside all pretense in your tricks -
You were gentle and careful in seeking gains.

١٦. وَأَجلَيتَ عَنكَ الغُمضَ في كُلِّ حيلَةٍ
تَلَطَّفتَ في الدُنيا بِها وَتَأَنَّيتا

17. You harbored desires until when you attained them,
You aspired to what was beyond, ever desiring.

١٧. تَمَنّى المُنى حَتّى إِذاما بَلَغتَها
سَمَوتَ إِلى ما فَوقَها فَتَمَنَّيتا

18. O author of these verses - a new composition
Will soon replace them, changing verse by verse.

١٨. أَيا صاحِبَ الأَبياتِ قَد نُجِّدَت لَهُ
سَتُبدَلُ مِنها عاجِلاً غَيرَها بَيتا

19. Praise be to You, O Lord of bounty - You created us
And proportioned us among those You have proportioned.

١٩. لَكَ الحَمدُ يا ذا المَنِّ شُكراً خَلَقتَنا
فَسَوَّيتَنا فيمَن خَلَقتَ وَسَوَّيتا

20. How many afflictions have befallen others,
Yet You spared us from them and gave us well-being.

٢٠. وَكَم مِن بَلايا نازِلاتٍ بِغَيرِنا
فَسَلَّمتَنا يا رَبِّ مِنها وَعافَيتا

21. O Lord, we are weak - unless You strengthen us
To thank You for Your blessing and favor towards us.

٢١. أَيا رَبِّ مِنّا الضَعفُ إِن لَم تُقَوِّنا
عَلى شُكرِ ما أَبلَيتَ مِنكَ وَأَولَيتا

22. O Lord, we are the winners tomorrow if
You support us, O Lord, among those You have supported.

٢٢. أَيا رَبِّ نَحنُ الفائِزونَ غَداً لَئِن
تَوَلَّيتَنا يا رَبِّ فيمَن تَوَلَّيتا

23. O You Who are known without being seen,
Blessed are You, O Unseen One, Most Exalted.

٢٣. أَيا مَن هُوَ المَعروفُ مِن غَيرِ رُؤيَةٍ
تَبارَكتَ يا مَن لا يُرى وَتَعالَيتا