1. Indeed it is a house we are in
Where there is no permanence for an inhabitant
١. إِنَّ داراً نَحنُ فيها لَدارُ
لَيسَ فيها لِمُقيمٍ قَرارُ
2. So many people have come and gone from it
The night took them, and the day
٢. كَم وَكَم قَد حَلَّها مِن أُناسٍ
ذَهَبَ اللَيلُ بِهِم وَالنَهارُ
3. They were travelers who found a resting place
Rested an hour, then traveled on
٣. فَهُمُ الرَكبُ أَصابوا مُناخاً
فَاستَراحوا ساعَةً ثُمَّ ساروا
4. They were loved ones, but
Time has passed and the visiting place is far
٤. وَهُمُ الأَحبابُ كانوا وَلَكِن
قَدُمَ العَهدُ وَشَطَّ المَزارُ
5. News of them was obscured since they left
Would that I knew how they are where they went
٥. عَمِيَت أَخبارُهُم مُذ تَوَلَّوا
لَيتَ شِعري كَيفَ هُم حَيثُ صاروا
6. Fate refused that they visit
What they settled in, or that they be visited
٦. أَبَتِ الأَجداثُ أَلّا يَزوروا
ما ثَوَوا فيها وَأَن لا يُزاروا
7. So many abandoned houses they left
That because of them are empty
٧. وَلَكَم قَد عَطَّلوا مِن عِراصٍ
وَدِيارٍ هِيَ مِنهُم قِفارُ
8. Thus is the life we see
People depart and houses become vacant
٨. وَكَذا الدُنيا عَلى ما رَأَينا
يَذهَبُ الناسُ وَتَخلو الدِيارُ
9. What day can you feel safe from fate
When every day it has mishaps
٩. أَيَّ يَومٍ تَأمَنُ الدَهرَ فيهِ
وَلَهُ في كُلِّ يَومٍ عِثارُ
10. How can anyone escape death
When it draws him closer through fleeing
١٠. كَيفَ ما فَرَّ مِنَ المَوتِ حَيٌّ
وَهوَ يُدنيهِ إِلَيهِ الفِرارُ
11. The life of this world is but a loan
To people, while with them borrowed
١١. إِنَّما الدُنيا بَلاغٌ لِقَومٍ
هُوَ في أَيديهِمُ مُستَعارُ
12. Know and be certain that one day
The borrowed must be returned
١٢. فَاِعلَمَن وَاِستَيقِنَن أَنَّهُ لا
بُدَّ يَوماً أَن يُرَدَّ المُعارُ