
I will weep for myself, and I have the right to do so,

لأبكين على نفسي وحق ليه

1. I will weep for myself, and I have the right to do so,
O eyes, do not be stingy with my tears!

١. لَأَبكِيَنَّ عَلى نَفسي وَحَقَّ لِيَه
يا عَينُ لا تَبخَلي عَنّي بِعِبرَتِيَه

2. I will weep for the loss of youth, for old age
Has called to leave this world and its abode.

٢. لَأَبكِيَنَّ لِفِقدانِ الشَبابِ وَقَد
نادى المَشيبُ عَنِ الدُنيا بِرِحلَتِيَه

3. I will weep for myself, and it will bring me joy
To have weary eyes that weep at our parting.

٣. لَأَبكِيَنَّ عَلى نَفسي فَيُسعِدُني
عَينٌ مُؤَرَّقَةٌ تَبكي لِفُرقَتِيَه

4. I will weep for myself, and it will delight me
To have my family and loved ones around.

٤. لَأَبكِيَنَّ عَلى نَفسي فَيُسعِدُني
أَهلي وَمَن كانَ حَولي مِن أَحِبَّتِيَه

5. I will weep and those close to me will weep with me,
My confidants and brothers until death.

٥. لَأَبكِيَنَّ وَيَبكيني ذَوّ ثِقَتي
حَتّى المَماتِ أَخِلّائي وَإِخوَتِيَه

6. I will weep, for the time to depart has come,
To the house of seclusion from this world and its loneliness.

٦. لَأَبكِيَنَّ فَقَد جَدَّ الرَحيلُ إِلى
بَيتِ اِنقِطاعي عَنِ الدُنيا وَوَحدَتِيَه

7. O house, the house of return, o house of my isolation,
O house, the house of return, o house of my estrangement!

٧. يا بَيتُ بَيتَ الرَدى يا بَيتَ مُنقَطَعي
يا بَيتُ بَيتَ الرَدى يا بَيتَ غُربَتِيَه

8. O house, the house of my wishes, away from all I trust,
O house, the house of return, o house of my desolation!

٨. يا بَيتُ بَيتَ النَوى عَن كُلِّ ذي ثِقَةٍ
يا بَيتُ بَيتَ الرَدى يا بَيتَ وَحشَتِيَه

9. O my remote refuge, o my fearful arising,
O my narrow resting place, o the breadth of my misery!

٩. يا نَأيَ مُنتَجَعي يا هَولَ مُطَّلَعي
يا ضيقَ مُضطَجَعي يا بُعدَ شُقَّتِيَه

10. O eyes, how many unshed tears will I have
If I ever benefit from my weeping one day?

١٠. يا عَينُ كَم عِبرَةٍ لي غَيرِ مُشكِلَةٍ
إِن كُنتُ مُنتَفِعاً يَوماً بِعِبرَتِيَه

11. O eyes, be sleepless if you wish or let me be,
For time has ended my liveliness.

١١. يا عَينُ فَاِنهَمِلي إِن شِئتِ أَو فَدَعي
أَمّا الزَمانُ فَقَد أَودى بِجِدَّتِيَه

12. O my anguish, on the day when I have no neighbor who is righteous
Nor a master except Allah to relieve my anguish!

١٢. يا كُربَتي يَومَ لا جارٌ يَبَرُّ وَلا
مَولى يُنَفِّسُ إِلّا اللَهُ كُربَتِيَه

13. A day when I will stare wide-eyed
As death's intoxication overtakes me,

١٣. يَوماً أُقَلِّبُ فيهِ شاخِصاً بَصَري
تَميدُ بي في حِياضِ المَوتِ سَكرَتِيَه

14. When the worries of my fate are personified before me
And I moan again from the pain.

١٤. إِذا تَمَثَّلَ لي كَربُ السِياقِ وَقَد
قَلَّبتُ طَرفي وَقَد رَدَدتُ غُصَّتِيَه