
Lower your expectations, may God guide you

خفض هداك الله من بالكا

1. Lower your expectations, may God guide you
And be happy with what you have offered of your money

١. خَفِّض هَداكَ اللَهُ مِن بالِكا
وَاِفرَح بِما قَدَّمتَ مِن مالِكا

2. Do not trust the world for its betrayal
How much it has betrayed the likes of you before

٢. لاتَأمَنِ الدُنيا عَلى غَدرَةٍ
كَم غَدَرَت قَبلُ بِأَمثالِكا

3. How many you will see among the people as ruined
And ruined until you see yourself ruined

٣. كَم سَتَرى في الناسِ مِن هالِكٍ
وَهالِكٍ حَتّى تُرى هالِكا

4. So look at a path they took and do not
Think you will not take it yourself

٤. فَانظُر سَبيلاً سَلَكوهُ وَلا
تَحسَب بِأَن لَستَ لَهُ سالِكا

5. The world has become for us a lesson
And praise be to God for that

٥. أَصبَحَتِ الدُنيا لَنا عِبرَةً
وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ عَلى ذَلِكا

6. The people have gathered to blame it
And I do not see among them one who leaves it

٦. إِجتَمَعَ الناسُ عَلى ذَمِّها
وَلا أَرى مِنهُم لَها تارِكا