1. Time promises separation and decline
And its tribulations set examples
١. الدَهرُ يوعِدُ فُرقَةً وَزَوالا
وَخُطوبُهُ لَكَ تَضرِبُ الأَمثالا
2. O Lord of a life that brought bliss to its people
With its bounty, but it is said that bliss is fleeting
٢. يا رُبَّ عَيشٍ كانَ يُغبَطُ أَهلُهُ
بِنَعيمِهِ قَد قيلَ كانَ فَزالا
3. O you who seek the world to burden yourself
Surely traveling light tomorrow will be the better state
٣. يا طالِبَ الدُنيا لِيُثقِلَ نَفسَهُ
إِنَّ المُخِفَّ غَداً لَأَحسَنُ حالا
4. We are in an abode where we see amassing wealth
That remains not for its owner, nor meagre wealth either
٤. إِنّا لَفي دارٍ نَرى الإِكثارَ لا
يَبقى لِصاحِبِهِ وَلا الإِقلالا
5. My brother, wealth, if you send it forth
Is not yours, and if you keep it back, it is not wealth to you
٥. أَأُخَيَّ إِنَّ المالَ إِن قَدَّمتَهُ
لَكَ لَيسَ إِن خَلَّفتَهُ لَكَ مالا
6. My brother, all things will inevitably fade
So for whom do I see you amass riches?
٦. أَأُخَيَّ كُلٌّ لا مَحالَةَ زائِلٌ
فَلِمَن أَراكَ تُثَمِّرُ الأَموالا
7. My brother, be content with sufficiency and shun
Those who vie in vain things and overreach
٧. أَأُخَيَّ شَأنَكَ بِالكَفافِ وَخَلَّ مَن
أَثرى وَنافَسَ في الحُطامِ وَغالى
8. How many kings lost their kingdoms
As if those kingdoms were but phantoms
٨. كَم مِن مُلوكٍ زالَ عَنهُم مُلكُهُم
فَكَأَنَّ ذاكَ المُلكَ كانَ خَيالا
9. Time is the gentlest vanquisher, its gentleness undoes you
And time is the most cunning of archers aiming arrows at you
٩. وَالدَهرُ أَلطَفُ خاتِلٍ لَكَ خَتلُهُ
وَالدَهرُ أَحكَمُ مَن رَماكَ نِبالا
10. For how long will you rise morn and eve playing
Seeking permanence and aspiring to hopes
١٠. حَتّى مَتى تُمسي وَتُصبِحُ لاعِباً
تَبغي البَقاءَ وَتَأمُلُ الآمالا
11. Indeed I have seen disasters hastening
Announcing fate and drawing near the appointed time
١١. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ الحادِثاتِ مُلِحَّةً
تَنعى المُنى وَتُقَرِّبُ الآجالا
12. I have seen dwellings stripped of their dwellers
And buildings and shades emptied
١٢. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ مَساكِناً مَسلوبَةً
سُكّانُها وَمَصانِعاً وَظِلالا
13. I have seen one who had the means to build
Erect his palace and heighten it
١٣. وَلَقَد رَأَيتَ مَنِ اِستَطاعَ بجَمعِهِ
وَبَنى فَشَيَّدَ قَصرَهُ وَأَطالا
14. I have seen the empowered and the enthroned
And the glib of speech, saying this and that
١٤. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ مُسَلَّطاً وَمُمَلَّكاً
وَمُفَوَّهاً قَد قيلَ قالَ وَقالا
15. I have seen time annihilate them in old age
And annihilate them in their youth
١٥. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ الدَهرَ كَيفَ يُبيدُهُم
شيباً وَكَيفَ يُبيدُهُم أَطفالا
16. I have seen death hasten among them
Now to the right, now to the left
١٦. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ المَوتَ يُسرِعُ فيهِمُ
حَقّاً يَميناً مَرَّةً وَشِمالا
17. So ask the events, they will not hide the truth from you
And ask the graves, question them closely
١٧. فَسَلِ الحَوادِثَ لا أَبا لَكَ عَنهُمُ
وَسَلِ القُبورَ وَأَحفِهِنَّ سُؤالا
18. They will inform you that they were created for that
Which they were created, so they went forth for it as messengers
١٨. فَلتُخبِرَنَّكَ أَنَّهُم خُلِقوا لِما
خُلِقوا لَهُ فَمَضَوا لَهُ أَرسالا
19. Seldom does life stay pure for its people
Until they are replaced one after another
١٩. وَلَقَلَّ ما تَصفو الحَياةُ لِأَهلِها
حَتّى تُبَدَّلَ مِنُهُم أَبدالا
20. Seldom is cheer sustained for a group
And time has often betrayed and been unjust
٢٠. وَلَقَلَّ ما دامَ السُرورُ لِمَعشِرٍ
وَلَطالَما خانَ الزَمانُ وَغالا
21. Seldom are you pleased with all the traits of a brother
You have befriended, except you come to hate some traits
٢١. وَلَقَلَّ ما تَرضى خِصالاً مِن أَخٍ
آخَيتَهُ إِلّا سَخِطتَ خِصالا
22. Seldom does the soul freely give of goodness
Until it battles against that giving
٢٢. وَلَقَلَّ ما تَسخو بِخَيرٍ نَفسُهُ
حَتّى يُقاتِلَها عَلَيهِ قِتالا
23. My brother, man in his deeds
Should take on the best of deeds
٢٣. أَأُخَيَّ إِنَّ المَرءَ حَيثُ فِعالُهِ
فَتَوَلَّ أَحسَنَ ما يَكونُ فِعالا
24. So when people refrain from shouldering
Enlightened principles, be their bearer
٢٤. فَإِذا تَحامى الناسُ أَن يَتَحَمَّلوا
لِلعارِفاتِ فَكُن لَها حَمّالا
25. Shorten your pace from greedy desires in chastity
From them, for they have a slippery ground
٢٥. أَقصِر خُطاكَ عَنِ المَطامِعِ عِفَّةً
عَنها فَإِنَّ لَها صَفاً زَلّالا
26. Wealth is more worthy for you to earn in spending
Or withholding if that is lawful
٢٦. وَالمالُ أَولى بِاِكتِسابِكَ مُنفِقاً
أَو مُمسِكاً إِن كانَ ذاكَ حَلالا
27. And if rights come in succession, be patient with them
Forever, even if they weigh heavily upon you
٢٧. وَإِذا الحُقوقُ تَواتَرَت فَاِصبِر لَها
أَبَداً وَإِن كانَت عَلَيكَ ثِقالا
28. It suffices the seeker of humility to be exalted
And it suffices the seeker of loftiness to be debased
٢٨. فَكَفى بِمُلتَمِسِ التَواضُعِ رِفعَةً
وَكَفى بِمُلتَمِسِ العُلُوِّ سِفالا
29. My brother, whoever loves supremacy, I fear
Lest he become tyrannous and innovate misguidance and error
٢٩. أَأُخَيَّ مَن عَشِقَ الرِئاسَةَ خِفتُ أَن
يَطغى وَيُحدِثَ بِدعَةً وَضَلالا
30. My brother, ahead of us are grave tribulations
With turmoil, and ahead of us are terrors
٣٠. أَأُخَيَّ إِنَّ أَمامَنا كُرَباً لَها
شَغبٌ وَإِنَّ أَمامَنا أَهوالا
31. My brother, the times are in decline, though
We see its decline as ascent
٣١. أَأُخَيَّ إِنَّ الدارَ مُدبِرَةٌ وَإِن
كُنّا نَرى إِدبارَها إِقبالا
32. My brother, do not allow those who watch
For your lapses to have a case against you
٣٢. أَأُخَيَّ لا تَجعَل عَلَيكَ لِطالِبٍ
يَتَتَبَّعُ العَثَراتِ مِنكَ مَقالا
33. Man is sought for the mettle of his soul
In a seeking that alters his states evermore
٣٣. فَالمَرءُ مَطلوبٌ بِمُهجَةِ نَفسِهِ
طَلَباً يُصَرِّفُ حالَهُ أَحوالا
34. And man is not content with a single occupation
Until his occupation begets more occupations
٣٤. وَالمَرءُ لا يَرضى بِشُغلٍ واحِدٍ
حَتّى يُوَلِّدَ شُغلُهُ أَشغالا
35. How often a lover has sweetness for them
That will one day become trouble upon him
٣٥. وَلَرُبَّ ذي عُلَقٍ لَهُنَّ حَلاوَةٌ
سَيَعُدنَ يَوماً ما عَلَيهِ وَبالا
36. And I see bonding in life, so leave not
Your utmost for your brother as long as you live and are connected
٣٦. وَأَرى التَواصُلَ في الحَياةِ فَلا تَدَع
لِأَخيكَ جُهدَكَ ما حَيِيتَ وِصالا
37. My brother, creation in its strata
Rises morn and eve as God's dependents
٣٧. أَأُخَيَّ إِنَّ الخَلقَ في طَبَقاتِهِ
يُمسي وَيُصبِحُ لِلإِلَهِ عِيالا
38. God is more generous than any you hope for His gifts
And God is greater than any who attain gifts
٣٨. وَاللَهُ أَكرَمُ مَن رَجَوتَ نَوالَهُ
وَاللَهُ أَعظَمُ مَن يُنيلُ نَوالا
39. A King before Whose might kings bow
In awe and majesty, Glory be to Him and Exalted
٣٩. مَلِكٌ تَواضَعَتِ المُلوكُ لِعِزِّهِ
وَجَلالِهِ سُبحانَهُ وَتَعالى
40. Nothing of His subtle kindness surrounds
The worlds more closely, nor anything more Majestic His Majesty
٤٠. لا شَيءَ مِنهُ أَدَقُّ لُطفَ إِحاطَةٍ
بِالعالَمينَ وَلا أَجَلُّ جَلالا