1. I was deluded by my hopes,
And I was neglectful in my deeds,
١. سَهَوتُ وَغَرَّني أَمَلي
وَقَد قَصَّرتُ في عَمَلي
2. I was created for a high position,
Yet I busied myself with other things,
٢. وَمَنزِلَةٍ خُلِقتُ لَها
جَعَلتُ بِغَيرِها شُغُلي
3. I see the days speeding by,
Bringing me closer to my end.
٣. أَرى الأَيّامَ مُسرِعَةً
تُقَرِّبُني إِلى أَجَلي