
O rider of folly, not guided aright

يا راكب الغي غير متئد

1. O rider of folly, not guided aright
How vast the difference 'twixt misguidance and right

١. يا راكِبَ الغَيِّ غَيرَ مُتَّئِدِ
شَتّانَ بَينَ الضَلالِ وَالرَشَدِ

2. Suffice you what you have done, misled
So seek God's forgiveness, then sin no more

٢. حَسبُكَ ما قَد أَتَيتَ مُعتَمِداً
فَاِستَغفِرِ اللَهَ ثُمَّ لا تَعُدِ

3. O you whose increase is but decrease!
If you but lessen not, you shall not increase

٣. يا ذا الَّذي نَقصُهُ زِيادَتُهُ
إِن كُنتَ لَم تَنتَقِص فَلَم تَزِدِ

4. I wonder at one hopeful, his warner Death
Yet heeds not, nor strives as he ought

٤. عَجِبتُ مِن آمِلٍ وَواعِظُهُ ال
مَوتُ فَلَم يَتَّعِظ وَلَم يَكَدِ

5. How swift are night and day with moments brief
That come upon hopes however long drawn

٥. ما أَسرَعَ اللَيلَ وَالنَهارَ بِسا
عاتٍ قِصارٍ تَأتي عَلى الأَمَدِ

6. Old age shall surely beset us with what
Befell those before on the aged earth

٦. لَيَجرِيَنَّ البَلى عَلَينا بِما
كانَ جَرى قَبلَنا عَلى لُبَدِ

7. O Death, O Death, how many a trusted friend
Has charged me, closing his eyes by my hand

٧. يا مَوتُ يا مَوتُ كَم أَخي ثِقَةٍ
كَلَّفَني غَمضَ عَينِهِ بِيَدي

8. O Death, O Death, how much have you added
To paucity of wealth and of heart grieved

٨. يا مَوتُ يا مَوتُ كَم أَضَفتَ إِلى ال
قِلَّةِ مِن ثَروَةٍ وَمِن كَبِدِ

9. O Death, O Death, how many a wounded heart
Bleeds and how many a liver pained by your sting

٩. يا مَوتُ يا مَوتُ كَم لِوَخزِكَ مِن
قَلبٍ جَريحٍ يَدمى وَمِن كَبِدِ

10. O Death, O Death, the sun rose upon us by you
And stars of Leo set 'neath your embrace

١٠. يا مَوتُ يا مَوتُ صَبَّحَتنا بِكَ ال
شَمسُ وَمَسَّت كَواكِبُ الأَسَدِ

11. O Death, O Death, I see none in creation
You spare, leaving on earth anyone

١١. يا مَوتُ يا مَوتُ لا أَراكَ مِنَ ال
خَلقِ جَميعاً تُبقي عَلى أَحَدِ

12. Praise be to God, for ever and aye
The rightly guided may miss the right way

١٢. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ دائِماً أَبَداً
قَد يَصِفُ القَصدَ غَيرَ مُقتَصِدِ

13. Whoso seeks light, is lit up by its glow
Whoso longs for God, shall find and shall know

١٣. مَن يَستَنِر بِالهُدى يُنِرهُ وَمَن
يَبغِ إِلى اللَهِ مَطلَباً يَجِدِ