1. Say to the people of the graves, how did you find
The bitter taste of decay and the heaviness of dust?
١. قُل لِأَهلِ القُبورِ كَيفَ وَجَدتُم
طَعمَ مُرِّ البِلى وَثِقلَ التُرابِ
2. In houses whose roofs were of clay,
Death dwelled in their insides, my loved ones.
٢. في بُيوتٍ سُقوفُها اللَبنُ فيها
أَسكَنَ المَوتُ جَوفَها أَحبابي
3. And decay came upon them, passing over them,
So they refused to respond pleasantly.
٣. وَأَتاها البِلى فَمَرَّ عَلَيها
فَأَبَت أَن تَسيغَ رَدَّ الجَوابِ
4. The worms ate from beautiful faces
That did not cease to be blooming and youthful.
٤. أَكَلَ الدودُ مِن وُجوهٍ حِسانٍ
لَم تَزَل في غَضارَةٍ وَشَبابِ
5. Death scattered their gathering, so they called out
To dwellings reduced to ruins.
٥. بَدَّدَ المَوتُ شَملَهُم فَتَنادَوا
بِنَزالٍ إِلى بُيوتٍ خَرابِ
6. So to Him is praise, when He decreed upon us
The Sender down of rain from the clouds' undersides.
٦. فَلَهُ الحَمدُ إِذ قَضاهُ عَلَينا
مُنزِلِ القَطرِ مِن مُتونِ السَحابِ