
How near is death, so near!

ما أقرب الموت جدا

1. How near is death, so near!
It comes to you with all its force.

١. ما أَقرَبَ المَوتَ جَدّا
أَتاكَ يَشتَدُّ شَدّا

2. O you, who takes comfort
In death at times, and rises at dawn.

٢. يا مَن يُراحُ عَلَيهِ
بِالمَوتِ طَوراً وَيُغدى

3. Can you make up for the life
That has passed, and get it back?

٣. هَل تَستَطيعُ لِما قَد
مَضى مِنَ العَيشِ رَدّا

4. Wisdom is clearer than
The wise can see it.

٤. الغَيُّ أَوضَحُ مِن أَن
يَراهُ ذو العَقلِ رُشدا

5. Be gentle with your affairs,
And make your life balanced.

٥. سامِح أُمورَكَ رِفقاً
وَاجعَل مَعاشَكَ قَصدا

6. With the wisdom of your opinion, do not
Become a slave to money.

٦. مِن حَزمِ رَأيِكَ أَلّا
تَكونَ لِلمالِ عَبدا

7. Any good that comes to you
Will bring you reward and praise.

٧. ما تَأتِهِ مِن جَميلٍ
يُكسِبكَ أَجراً وَحَمدا

8. You will die alone and come
On Judgement Day alone.

٨. تَموتُ فَرداً وَتَأتي
يَومَ القِيامَةِ فَردا

9. Happy is the pious servant
Who does not tire of doing good.

٩. طوبى لِعَبدٍ تَقيٍّ
لَم يَألُ في الخَيرِ جُهدا