
Did it make you arrogant that I became dressed in the garb of a pauper

أغرك أني صرت في زي مسكين

1. Did it make you arrogant that I became dressed in the garb of a pauper
While you, when you became self-sufficient, pushed me away?

١. أَغَرَّكَ أَنّي صِرتُ في زِيِّ مِسكينِ
وَصِرتَ إِذِ استَغنَيتَ عَنّي تُنَحّيني

2. I retreated when you distanced me, and you discarded me,
Yet I had been a neighbor when you wanted me.

٢. تَباعَدتُ إِذ باعَدتَني وَاطَّرَحتَني
وَكُنتُ قَريبَ الدارِ إِذ كُنتَ تَبغيني

3. So if you are not just, I have patience for grit,
And I closed my eyes to your hurt for a time.

٣. فَإِن كُنتَ لا تَصفو صَبَرتُ عَلى القَذى
وَغَمَّضتُ عَيني مِن قَذاكَ إِلى حينِ

4. I made good or evil however you might yield to me,
Yet you made my evil good and my good evil.

٤. وَحَسَّنتُ أَو قَبَّحتُ كَيما تَلينَ لي
فَحَسَّنتَ تَقبيحي وَقَبَّحتَ تَحسيني

5. I was content with my poverty: you live wealthy!
For my little suffices me from your abundance.

٥. رَضيتُ بِإِقلالي فَعِش أَنتَ موسِراً
فَإِنَّ قَليلي عَن كَثيرَكَ يَكفيني

6. And after, do not be led astray by wealth,
Perhaps He who enriched you beyond me will enrich me.

٦. وَبَعدُ فَلا يَذهَب بِكَ التيهُ في الغِنى
لَعَلَّ الَّذي أَغناكَ عَنّي سَيُغنيني

7. True honor is only the honor of one honored through piety,
True merit is only the merit of one meriting through religion.

٧. وَما العِزُّ إِلّا عِزُّ مَن عَزَّ بِالتُقى
وَما الفَضلُ إِلّا فَضلُ ذي الفَضلِ وَالدينِ

8. In God is that which enriches; in God is that which suffices.
In patience over what eluded me is that which consoles me.

٨. وَفي اللَهِ ما أَغنى وَفي اللَهِ ما كَفى
وَفي الصَبرِ عَمّا فاتَني ما يُسَلّيني

9. In my resignation to God and acceptance,
When misfortune befalls me, is that which cheers me.

٩. وَعِندي مِنَ التَسليمِ لِلَّهِ وَالرِضى
إِذا عَرَضَ المَكروهُ لي ما يُعَزّيني

10. It suffices me, for I do not want for a companion
Anything ugly, nor care for what does not concern me.

١٠. وَحَسبي فَإِنّي لا أُريدُ لِصاحِبٍ
قَبيحاً وَلا أُعنى بِما لَيسَ يَعنيني

11. I see that I should not vie with an unjust person,
And I am pleased with all truth from one who does not please me.

١١. وَإِنّي أَرى أَن لا أُنافِسَ ظالِماً
وَأُرضي بِكُلِّ الحَقِّ مَن لَيسَ يُرضيني