1. For long, O world, my repose in you persisted
And long my errors lasted, and temptations twisted,
١. لَقَد طالَ يا دُنيا إِلَيكِ رُكوني
وَدامَ لُزومي ضِلَّتي وَفُتوني
2. And long my brethren's stay with you - but they
Monopolized you wholly, leaving me no say.
٢. وَطالَ إِخائي فيكِ قَوماً أَراهُم
وَكُلُّهُمُ مُستَأثِرٌ بِكِ دوني
3. And little is their gain if closed on loss were reckoned
The pledge, while into nothingness my hopes were sunken.
٣. وَكُلُّهُمُ عَنّي قَليلٌ غِنائُهُ
إِذا غَلِقَت في الهالِكينَ رُهوني
4. My Lord, men do me wrong, no justice I'm accorded,
And when I'm just to them, I'm wrongly contravened.
٤. فَيا رَبِّ إِنَّ الناسَ لا يُنصِفونَني
وَكَيفَ وَلَو أَنصَفتُهُم ظَلَموني
5. If I possess a thing, they wish to take it from me,
If I seek out their goods, access they've barred and banned me.
٥. وَإِن كانَ لي شَيءٌ تَصَدَّوا لِأَخذِهِ
وَإِن جِئتُ أَبغي شَيئَهُم مَنَعوني
6. If I extend a hand, no gratitude's evinced,
If not, they censure me, no generous deed evidenced.
٦. وَإِن نالَهُم رِفدي فَلا شُكرَ عِندَهُم
وَإِن أَنا لَم أَبذُل لَهُم شَتَموني
7. When comfort's mine, they flock to me to claim a portion,
When hardship comes, I'm left alone to face misfortune.
٧. وَإِن وَجَدوا عِندي رَخاءً تَقَرَّبوا
وَإِن نَزَلَت بي شِدَّةٌ خَذَلوني
8. If I am struck by fate, they laugh with glee unhidden,
If grace smiles on me, envy makes sure it's chidden.
٨. وَإِن طَرَقَتني نَكبَةٌ فَكِهوا بِها
وَإِن صَحِبَتني نِعمَةٌ حَسَدوني
9. I'll lock my heart that it incline no more toward them,
My eyes and eyelids equally from sight of them.
٩. سَأَمنَعُ قَلبي أَن يَحِنَّ إِلَيهِمُ
وَأَحجُبُ عَنهُم ناظِري وَجُفوني
10. I'll live a life serene, keep sorrow at a distance,
And pass my days in peace, tranquil and free from grievance.
١٠. وَأَقطَعُ أَيّامي بِيَومِ سُهولَةٍ
أُزَجّي بِهِ عُمري وَيَومَ حُزونِ
11. For sure, the choicest life is one where, free of clamor,
Far from the throng, in purity and calm, I savor.
١١. أَلا إِنَّ أَصفى العَيشِ ما طابَ غِبُّهُ
وَما نِلتُهُ في عِفَّةٍ وَسُكونِ