
You will face hardships alone,

ستباشر الأجداث وحدك

1. You will face hardships alone,
And people will laugh at you after you're gone.

١. سَتُباشِرُ الأَجداثَ وَحدَك
وَسَيَضحَكُ الباكونَ بَعدَك

2. You will grow weary,
And days will create your legacy.

٢. وَسَتَستَجِدُّ بِكَ البِلى
وَسَتُخلِقُ الأَيّامُ عَهدَك

3. Those who get close to you,
Will yearn for you after your death and your absence.

٣. وَسَيَشتَهي المُتَقَرِّبو
نَ إِلَيكَ بَعدَ المَوتِ بُعدَك

4. Your worth - how priceless you are!
In gatherings - how you stand out!

٤. لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ ما أَجَد
دَكَ في المَلاعِبِ ما أَجَدَّك

5. Death is inevitable,
Despite your efforts to avoid it.

٥. المَوتُ ما لا بُدَّ مِن
هُ عَلى احتِرازِكَ مِنهُ جَهدَك

So hardship will hasten to you,

٦. فَلَيُسرِعَنَّ بِكَ البِلى
وَلَيَقصِدَنَّ الحَينُ قَصدَك

7. And fate will seek you out.
And it will destroy you,

٧. وَلَيُفنِيَنَّكَ بِالَّذي
أَفنى أَباكَ بِهِ وَجَدَّك

8. As it destroyed your father who begot you.
Had you shunned homes and comfort

٨. لَو قَد ظَعَنتَ عَنِ البُيو
تِ وَرَوحِها وَسَكَنتَ لَحدَك

9. And lived at your grave instead,
You would benefit only from righteous deeds -

٩. لَم تَنتَفِع إِلّا بِفِعلٍ
صالِحٍ إِن كانَ عِندَك

10. If you have them.
And when the claws of soil

١٠. وَإِذا الأَكُفُّ مِنَ التُرا
بِ نُفِضنَ عَنكَ تُرِكتَ وَحدَك

11. Detach from you, you are left alone.
It's as if your gathering has become

١١. وَكَأَنَّ جَمعَكَ قَد غَدا
ما بَينَهُم حِصَصاً وَكَدَّك

12. Divided spoils that tear you apart.
They enjoy what you collected for them

١٢. يَتَلَذَّذونَ بِما جَمَع
تَ لَهُم وَلا يَجِدونَ فَقدَك