
If Allah decrees a matter, it is made so,

إن قدر الله أمرا كان مفعولا

1. If Allah decrees a matter, it is made so,
How can we be ignorant of what is not unknown?

١. إِن قَدَّرَ اللَهُ أَمراً كانَ مَفعولا
وَكَيفَ نَجهَلُ أَمراً لَيسَ مَجهولا

2. We surely know that we will follow those who have gone before,
Who have passed away, though in our hopes we live long.

٢. إِنّا لَنَعلَمُ أَنّا لاحِقونَ بِمَن
وَلّى وَلَكِنَّ في آمالِنا طولا

3. I guaranteed the seeker of this life and its adornments,
That he will remain busy with it as long as he lives.

٣. ضَمِنتُ لِلطالِبِ الدُنيا وَزينَتَها
أَلّا يَزالَ بِها ما عاشَ مَشغولا

4. O Lord, whoever is deceived by his victoriousness,
Finds himself in the mornings and evenings rolled in the dust.

٤. يا رَبُّ مَن كانَ مُغتَرّاً بِناصِرِهِ
أَمسى وَأَصبَحَ في الأَجداثِ مَجدولا

5. And many rejoice in wealth they consume,
One day eating it, the next drinking it, when it becomes consumable.

٥. وَرُبَّ مُغتَبِطٍ بِالمالِ يَأكُلُهُ
يَوماً وَيَشرَبُهُ إِذ صارَ مَأكولا

6. He kept crying over the dead and carrying them,
Until we saw him crying and being carried.

٦. ما زالَ يَبكي عَلى المَوتى وَيَنقُلُهُم
حَتّى رَأَيناهُ مَبكِيّاً وَمَنقولا