1. A man's world is his soul;
When his soul perishes, his world too perishes.
١. المَرءُ دُنيا نَفسِهِ
فَإِذا انقَضى فَقَدِ انقَضَت
2. It lies in wait for him in his heedlessness,
And returns to those he left behind.
٢. تَغتالُهُ في غَيِّهِ
وَتَعودُ فيمَن خَلَّفَت
3. Of what use is a wet nurse with a breast
Of death that weans those it fed?
٣. ما خَيرُ مُرضِعَةٍ بِكَأ
سِ المَوتِ تَفطِمُ مَن غَذَت
4. While adorning his merits,
She corrupted what she had set right.
٤. بَينا تَزينُ صَلاحَهُ
إِذ أَفسَدَت ما أَصلَحَت