
The world will not be set right by the passing of the crescents,

لن تقوم الدنيا بمر الأهله

1. The world will not be set right by the passing of the crescents,
So cease to count on it, for it is decaying.

١. لَن تَقومَ الدُنيا بِمَرِّ الأَهِلَّه
فَاِسلُ عَنها فَإِنَّها مُضمَحِلَّه

2. O people of the world, do transient things delude you?
Yet they have no place of abode for their people.

٢. يا بَني الدُنيا أَتُغرَونَ بِالدُن
يا وَلَيسَت لِأَهلِها بِمَحَلَّه

3. We were created from one father and mother,
Except that in wealth we are elevated and abased.

٣. مِن أَبٍ واحِدٍ خُلِقنا وَأُمٍّ
غَيرَ أَنّا في المالِ أَولادُ عَلَّه

4. Truly in the integrity of brotherhood there is, for people,
A little, and in the integrity of loyalty, littleness.

٤. إِنَّ في صِحَّةِ الإِخاءِ مِنَ النا
سِ وَفي صِحَّةِ الوَفاءِ لَقَلَّه

5. Clothe people, as much as you are able, with patience,
Otherwise your bonds will not remain straight for you.

٥. فَاِلبَسِ الناسَ ما اِستَطَعتَ عَلى الصَب
رِ وَإِلّا لَم تَستَقِم لَكَ خُلَّه

6. No continuance of brotherhood remains from a blamer
Who seeks from you a fault after a slip.

٦. ما بَقاءُ الإِخاءِ مِن مُتَجَنٍّ
يَبتَغي مِنكَ عَلَّةً بَعدَ عِلَّه

7. Live alone if you do not accept an excuse
And if you do not overlook a stumble.

٧. عِش وَحيداً إِن كُنتَ لا تَقبَلُ العُذ
رَ وَإِن كُنتَ لا تُجاوِزُ زَلَّه