
The servant with enlightened eyes is Abd,

إن القريرة عينه عبد

1. The servant with enlightened eyes is Abd,
Who fears God and lives simply.

١. إِنَّ القَريرَةَ عَينُهُ عَبدُ
خَشِيَ الإِلَهَ وَعَيشُهُ قَصدُ

2. A servant who sleeps little and works hard,
All his deeds guided rightly for God.

٢. عَبدٌ قَليلُ النَومِ مُجتَهِدٌ
لِلَّهِ كُلُّ فِعالِهِ رُشدُ

3. Detached from this world and its vanities,
Neither wealth nor money distract him.

٣. نَزِهٌ عَنِ الدُنيا وَباطِلِها
لا عَرضُ يَشغَلُهُ وَلا نَقدُ

4. Humbly ignorant in God, he looks down on pride;
To him, jest of fear is serious deed.

٤. مُستَجهِلٌ في اللَهِ مُحتَقِرٌ
هَزلُ المَخافَةِ عِندَهُ جِدُّ

5. Submissive to God, hopeful in watch,
No way but to keep doing as He bids.

٥. مُتَذَلِّلٌ لِلَّهِ مُرتَقِبٌ
ما لَيسَ مِن إِتيانِهِ بُدُّ

6. He refused life, however sweet,
And chose what grants him eternity.

٦. رَفَضَ الحَياةَ عَلى حَلاوَتِها
وَاِختارَ ما فيهِ لَهُ الخُلدُ

7. He's content with what lot God gave him,
Not complaining if hardship comes his way.

٧. يَكفيهِ ما بَلَغَ المَحَلَّ بِهِ
لا يَشتَكي إِن نابَهُ جَهدُ

8. So hold fast if you gain such a servant,
For life is but moderation and detachment.

٨. فَاِشدُد يَدَيكَ إِذا ظَفِرتَ بِهِ
ما العَيشُ إِلّا القَصدُ وَالزُهدُ