
Flee with yourself from a deluded world

اهرب بنفسك من دنيا مضللة

1. Flee with yourself from a deluded world
That has destroyed the alive and the apathetic before you

١. اُهرُب بِنَفسِكَ مِن دُنيا مُضَلَّلَةٍ
قَد أَهلَكَت قَبلَكَ الأَحياءَ وَالمِلَلا

2. Bitter is its taste, its aftermath and its beginning
A deceiver that increases sorrows and illnesses

٢. مُرٌّ مَذاقَهُ عُقباها وَأَوَّلُها
غَدّارَةٌ تُكثِرُ الأَحزانَ وَالعِلَلا

3. If you taste its sweetness, its consequences return
Bitterness that whoever ate suffers from

٣. إِن ذُقتُ حَلواءَها عادَت عَواقِبُها
مَرارَةً يَجتَويها كُلُّ مَن أَكَلا

4. No one has described drinking in it, so he was amazed
Except it became turbulent or he became crippled for it at night

٤. لَم يَصفُ شُربُ اِمرِئٍ فيها فَأَعجَبَهُ
إِلّا تَكَدَّرَ أَو أَمسى لَهُ وَشَلا

5. Fickle, exchanging its companion
Pleased with any wanton in his place

٥. زَوّالَةٌ ذاتُ إِبدالٍ بِصاحِبِها
تَرضى بِطارِفِها مِن تالِدٍ بَدَلا

6. This one is pleased with it instead of that one, and this one tastes
What that one did not gain honorably

٦. يَرضى بِها ذاكَ مِن هَذا وَيَطعَمُ ذا
ما كانَ هَذا بِهِ مِن كَسبِهِ جَذِلا

7. It humiliates this one for that one after his glory
And you may see this one sometimes disgraced for that one

٧. تُذِلُّ هَذا لِهَذا بَعدَ عِزَّتِهِ
وَقَد تَرى ذا لِهَذا مَرَّةً خَوَلا

8. It has never apologized for a sin to anyone
While the free man apologizes if he makes a slip

٨. لَم تَعتَذِر قَطُّ مِن ذَنبٍ إِلى أَحَدٍ
وَالحُرُّ مُعتَذِرٌ إِن زَلَّةً فَعَلا

9. It is that whose affection for a companion
Has never lasted, but rather it quickly turned hostile

٩. هِيَ الَّتي لَم تَدُم مِنها مَوَدَّتُها
لِصاحِبٍ قَطُّ إِلّا صارَمَت عَجَلا