
How the days cut short all hopes,

ما أقطع الآجال للآمال

1. How the days cut short all hopes,
And hasten hopes within those days!

١. ما أَقطَعَ الآجالَ لِلآمالِ
وَأَسرَعَ الآمالَ في الآجالِ

2. My state delights me, but what state
Remains unchanged throughout the nights and days?

٢. يُعجِبُني حالي وَأَيُّ حالِ
يَبقى عَلى الأَيّامِ وَاللَيالي

3. All things must perish and decay;
Strange that I keep myself so busy,

٣. وَكُلُّ شَيءٍ فَإِلى زَوالِ
يا عَجَباً مِنّي بِما اشتِغالي

4. And death occurs not to my mind,
Though toward me it makes hasty way.

٤. وَالمَوتُ لا يَخطُرُ لي بِبالِ
وَنُبلُهُ مُسرِعَةٌ حِيالي