
Is time anything but a night then a day following it,

هل الدهر إلا ليلة ثم يومها

1. Is time anything but a night then a day following it,
And a year turning to a year and a month to a month?

١. هَلِ الدَهرُ إِلّا لَيلَةٌ ثُمَّ يَومُها
وَحَولٌ إِلى حَولٍ وَشَهرٌ إِلى شَهرِ

2. We traveled at nightfall, then it darkened, and our steeds
Carried us nowhere, on neither land nor sea.

٢. سَرَينا فَأَدلَجنا فَكانَت رِكابُنا
تَسيرُ بِنا في غَيرِ بَرٍّ وَلابَحرِ

3. Death draws the distant near through affliction
And brings the noble limbs closer to the grave.

٣. مَنايا يُقَرِّ بنَ البَعيدَ مِنَ البِلى
وَيُدنِينَ أَشلاءَ الكِرامِ إِلى القَبرِ

4. It leaves the jealous spouses to others
And distributes what remains of hoarded wealth.

٤. وَيَترُكنَ أَزواجَ الغَيورِ لِغَيرِهِ
وَيَقسِمنَ ما بَقّى الشَحيحُ مِنَ الوَفرِ