
The best of a young man's days is the day he benefits others,

خير أيام الفتى يوم نفع

1. The best of a young man's days is the day he benefits others,
And doing good is the most lasting thing one can make.

١. خَيرُ أَيّامِ الفَتى يَومَ نَفَع
وَاصطِناعُ الخَيرِ أَبقى ما صَنَع

2. And one's peer in kindness,
Is an intercessor who interceded for him.

٢. وَنَظيرُ المَرءِ في مَعروفِهِ
شافِعٌ مَتَّ إِلَيهِ فَشَفَع

3. Good cannot be attained through evil,
And the farmer reaps only what he sows.

٣. ما يُنالُ الخَيرُ بِالشَرِّ وَلا
يَحصِدُ الزارِعُ إِلّا ما زَرَع

4. Not all of fate is but one day,
Sometimes the youth feels constricted then finds relief.

٤. لَيسَ كُلُّ الدَهرِ يَوماً واحِداً
رُبَّما ضاقَ الفَتى ثُمَّ اتَّسَع

5. Take from this life what flows easily,
And let go of what has passed and ceased.

٥. خُذ مِنَ الدُنيا الَّذي دَرَّت بِهِ
وَاسلُ عَمّا فاتَ مِنها وَانقَطَع

6. Verily this life is fleeting vanity,
So be moderate in it, take what you need and leave the rest.

٦. إِنَّما الدُنيا مَتاعٌ زائِلٌ
فَاقتَصِد فيهِ وَخُذ مِنهُ وَدَع

7. And be content with people as you would have them be with you,
And follow the truth, for excellent is he who follows it.

٧. وَاِرضَ لِلناسِ بِما تَرضى بِهِ
وَاِتبَعِ الحَقَّ فَنِعمَ المُتَّبَع

8. And seek independence from people through self-sufficiency,
For he who needs people, pleads to them in misery.

٨. وَاِبغِ ما اِستَعتَ عَنِ الناسِ الغِنى
فَمَنِ اِحتاجَ إِلى الناسِ ضَرَع

9. Inform the hoarder that when his day comes,
What he gathered will not avail him.

٩. أَبلِغِ الجامِعَ أَن لَو قَد أَتى
يَومُهُ لَم يُغنِ عَنهُ ما جَمَع

10. Goodness indeed has a clear imprint,
God has stamped it on those who have the capacity.

١٠. إِنَّ لِلخَيرِ لَرَسماً بَيِّناً
طَبَعَ اللَهُ عَلَيهِ مَن طَبَع

11. We have tested people through their manners,
And found them to follow whoever has wealth.

١١. قَد بَلَونا الناسَ في أَخلاقِهِم
فَرَأَيناهُم لِذي المالِ تَبَع

12. And the people's beloved is he who gives them hope,
Truly people are altogether moved by greed.

١٢. وَحَبيبُ الناسِ مَن أَطمَعَهُم
إِنَّما الناسُ جَميعاً بِالطَمَع

13. Thank God for His ordainment,
He apportioned rizq, so gave and denied.

١٣. اِحمَدِ اللَهَ عَلى تَقديرِهِ
قَدَّرَ الرِزقَ فَأَعطى وَمَنَع

14. I imagined myself to have devoutness, but perfectionism
Prevented me from that devotion.

١٤. سُمتُ نَفسي وَرَعاً تَصدُقُهُ
فَنَهاها النَقصُ عَن ذاكَ الوَرَع

15. I have endless shortcomings,
And subtle tricks and deceptions.

١٥. فَلِنَفسي عِلَلٌ لاتَنقَضي
وَلَها مَكرٌ لَطيفٌ وَخُدَع

16. And I have lapses that never cease,
And sometimes desire for things.

١٦. وَلِنَفسي غَفَلاتٌ لَم تَزَل
وَلَها بِالشَيءِ أَحياناً وَلَع

17. And when my soul is given, it rejoices,
And when denied, is troubled and despairs.

١٧. وَلِنَفسي حينَ تُعطى فَرَحٌ
وَاضطِرابٌ عِندَ مَنعٍ وَجَزَع

18. How strange is one feeling secure and safe,
Yet is nourished by varieties of fear.

١٨. عَجَباً مِن مُطمَئِنٍ آمِنٍ
إِنَّما يُغذى بِأَلوانِ الفَزَع

19. How strange that people forget,
The inevitability of death and what will come to pass.

١٩. عَجَباً لِلناسِ ما أَغفَلَهُم
مِن وُقوعِ المَوتِ عَمّا سَيَقَع

20. How strange! We will all arrive at a pasture,
Where each of us roamed and grazed.

٢٠. عَجَباً إِنّا لَنَلقى مَرتَعاً
كُلُّنا قَد عاثَ فيهِ وَرَتَع

21. O brother of a dead one, who was escorted,
As soil was heaped upon him whence he came.

٢١. يا أَخا المَيتِ الَّذي شَيَّعَهُ
فَحَثا التُربَ عَلَيهِ وَرَجَع

22. I wonder what provisions you prepared,
For the awfulness of what you now face.

٢٢. لَيتَ شِعري ما تَزَوَّدتَ مِنَ ال
زادِ يا هَذا لِهَولِ المُطَلَع

23. The day your loved ones walk you,
To the darkness of the grave and your constricted resting place.

٢٣. يَومَ يَهديكَ مُحِبّوكَ إِلى
ظُلمَةِ القَبرِ وَضيقِ المُضطَجَع