
For every matter whose fate has run its course, there is a cause,

لكل أمر جرى فيه القضا سبب

1. For every matter whose fate has run its course, there is a cause,
And time itself, in its unfolding, is wondrous.

١. لِكُلِّ أَمرٍ جَرى فيهِ القَضا سَبَبُ
وَالدَهرُ فيهِ وَفي تَصريفِهِ عَجَبُ

2. People are but companions of the world and her friend;
How then, when she is overturned one day, are they not overturned?

٢. ما الناسُ إِلّا مَعَ الدُنيا وَصاحِبِها
فَكَيفَ ما اِنقَلَبَت يَوماً بِهِ اِنقَلَبوا

3. They esteem the brother of this world though he revolt
Against them with that which they do not desire, yet they revolt not.

٣. يُعَظِّمونَ أَخا الدُنيا وَإِن وَثَبَت
يَوماً عَلَيهِ بِما لا يَشتَهي وَثَبوا

4. They do not milk a gallant stallion until
His choicest milk is that which they have milked.

٤. لا يَحلِبونَ لِحَيٍّ دَرَّ لَقحَتِهِ
حَتّى يَكونَ لَهُم صَفّو الَّذي حَلَبوا