1. Have we not seen, O world, your fickleness
And your betrayal, O world, of us and your transience
١. أَلَم نَرَ يا دُنيا تَصَرُّفَ حالِكِ
وَغَدرَكِ يا دُنيا بِنا وَانتِقالِكِ
2. So you are not a home where contentment can be perfected
Even if you were in the grip of a man of power and kingdom
٢. فَلَستِ بِدارٍ يَستَتِمُّ بِكِ الرِضا
وَلَو كُنتِ في كَفِّ امرِئٍ بِكَمَلِكِ
3. Your unlawful gains, O world, return to misery
And the wise among us are concerned about your lawful gains
٣. حَرامُكِ يا دُنيا يَعودُ إِلى الضَنا
وَذو اللُبِّ فينا مُشفِقٌ مِن حَلالِكِ
4. Your companionship, O world, has much sorrow
So there is no salvation from you except by abandoning you
٤. أَليفُكِ يا دُنيا كَثيرٌ غُمومُهُ
فَلَيسَ النَجاةُ مِنكِ غَيرَ اعتِزالِكِ
5. O soul, do not settle in an abode of castles
But take provision for the journey before your departure
٥. أَيا نَفسُ لا تَستَوطِني دارَ قُلعَةٍ
وَلَكِن خُذي في الزادِ قَبلَ ارتِحالِكِ
6. O soul, do not forget your book and remember
Woe to you if you give it with your left hand
٦. أَيا نَفسُ لا تَنسي كِتابَكِ وَاذكُري
لَكِ الوَيلُ إِن أُعطيتِهِ بِشِمالِكِ
7. O soul, today is a day of disengagement
So devote it, before the day of your preoccupation
٧. أَيا نَفسُ إِنَّ اليَومَ يَومُ تَفَرُّغٍ
فَدونَكِهِ مِن قَبلِ يَومِ اشتِغالِكِ
8. And, O soul, you are accountable so make easy
An answer for the Day of Assembly before being questioned
٨. وَمَسؤولَةٌ يا نَفسُ أَنتِ فَيَسِّري
جَواباً لِيَومِ الحَشرِ قَبلَ سُؤالِكِ
9. And, O soul, you are poor so need
The good of what you have sent forth in your deeds
٩. وَمِسكينَةٌ يا نَفسُ أَنتِ فَقيرَةٌ
إِلى خَيرِ ما قَدَّمتِهِ مِن فِعالِكِ
10. It is death, so be wary of it and rejoice when
You are spared, neither against you nor for you
١٠. هُوَ المَوتُ فَاحتاطي لَهُ وَابشِري إِذا
نَجَوتِ كَفافاً لا عَلَيكِ وَلا لَكِ