
All return to the Merciful, His wonders never cease

كل إلى الرحمن منقلبه

1. All return to the Merciful, His wonders never cease
Glory to Him whose name is exalted, though close He is unseen

١. كُلٌّ إِلى الرَحمَنِ مُنقَلَبُه
وَالخَلقُ ما لا يَنقَضي عَجَبُه

2. For every soul departing and soul arriving
No fleeing his decree however far his flight

٢. سُبحانَ مَن جَلَّ اِسمُهُ وَعَلا
وَدَنا وَوارَت عَينَهُ حُجُبُه

3. For every soul of youthful pride wrapped up in himself
Deceived by love of life though wise his own conceit

٣. وَلَرُبَّ غادِيَةٍ وَرائِحَةٍ
لَم يُنجِ مِنها هارِباً هَرَبُه

4. Now empty-handed stripped of all he thought to own
Another takes the spoils once held by him alone

٤. وَلَرُبَّ ذي نَشَبٍ تَكَنَّفَهُ
حُبُّ الحَياةِ وَغَرَّهُ نَشَبُه

5. O lover of this world, endless your toil and pain
A home you built, branches spread, their roots remain

٥. قَد صارَ مِمّا كانَ يَملِكُهُ
صِفراً وَصارَ لِغَيرِهِ سَلَبُه

6. It fell on some as lightning strikes the lofty peaks
While sparing those of lowly state, their safety seeks

٦. يا صاحِبَ الدُنيا المُحِبَ لَها
أَنتَ الَّذي لا يَنقَضي تَعَبُه

7. If ants could fly, apocalypse would then be near
I milked fate's teat but all it gave was worthless whey

٧. أَصلَحتَ داراً هَمُّها أَشِبٌّ
جَمُّ الفُروعِ كَثيرَةٌ شَعَبُه

8. Shun the false riches of this world and its gold
Lest blinded by its glitter you should lose your soul

٨. إِنَّ اِستَهانَتَها بِمَن صَرَعَت
لَبِقَدرِ مَن تَسمو بِهِ رُتَبُه

9. True merit lies in piety and moral strength
Conviction, faith, and conscience - these define his worth

٩. وَإِنِ اِستَوَت لِلنَملِ أَجنِحَةٌ
حَتّى يَطيرَ فَقَد دَنا عَطَبُه

10. Wisdom's adornment is the courtesy he shows
Perfection of his merit is the grace he knows

١٠. إِنّي حَلَبتُ الدَهرَ أَشطُرَهُ
فَرَأَيتُهُ لَم يَصفُ لي حَلَبُه

11. One origin alone though manifold our ways
Discretion guides your steps through life's perplexing maze

١١. فَتَوَقَّ دَهرَكَ ما اِستَطَعتَ وَلا
تَغرُركَ فِضَّتُهُ وَلا ذَهَبُه

12. Look well before you act, foresee the consequence
Or blindly lead yourself into misfortune's dense

١٢. كَرَمُ الفَتى التَقوى وَقُرَّتُهُ
مَحضُ اليَقينِ وَدينُهُ حَسَبُه

١٣. حِلمُ الفَتى مِمّا يُزَيِّنُهُ
وَتَمامُ حِليَةِ فَضلِهِ أَدَبُه

١٤. وَالأَرضُ طَيِّبَةٌ وَكُلُّ بَني
حَوّاءَ فيها واحِدٌ نَسَبُه

١٥. إيتِ الأُمورَ وَأَنتَ تُبصِرُها
لا تَأتِ ما لَم تَدرِ ما سَبَبُه