
Alas! I have a day when I will be judged as I have judged

ألا إن لي يوما أدان كما دنت

1. Alas! I have a day when I will be judged as I have judged
My record will tally what I did right and wrong

١. أَلا إِنَّ لي يَوماً أُدانُ كَما دِنتُ
سَيُحصي كِتابي ما أَسَأتُ وَأَحسَنتُ

2. By Him I hope for pardon, He knows
What I have concealed and what I have made known

٢. أَما وَالَّذي أَرجوهُ لِلعَفوِ إِنَّهُ
لَيَعلَمُ ما أَسرَرتُ مِنّي وَأَعلَنتُ

3. It is sorrow enough that I do good yet decay
Makes ugly what I have adorned and made fair

٣. كَفى حَزَناً أَنّي أُحَسِّنُ وَالبِلى
يُقَبِّحُ ما زَيَّنتُ مِنّي وَحَسَّنتُ

4. More wondrous still, desires entice me
And I am certain of that which I have made certain

٤. وَأَعجَبُ مِن هَذا هَناتٌ تَغُرُّني
تَيَقَّنتُ مِنهُنَّ الَّذي قَد تَيَقَّنتُ

5. I climbed aspiring and aimed at wishes
And stirred in myself hopes towards them and calmed them

٥. تَصَعَّدتُ مُغتَرّاً وَصَوَّبتُ في المُنى
وَحَرَّكتُ مِن نَفسي إِلَيها وَسَكَّنتُ

6. And how often my ambitions called me and I responded
And how often my ambitions soiled me and I was soiled

٦. وَكَم قَد دَعَتني هِمَّتي فَأَجَبتُها
وَكَم لَوَّثَتني هِمَّتي فَتَلَوَّثتُ

7. A man's company seems to me a trust
So if I betray a man, it is myself whom I betray

٧. مُعاشَرَةُ الإِنسانِ عِندي أَمانَةٌ
فَإِن خُنتُ إِنساناً فَنَفسي الَّذي خُنتُ

8. And I have an hour, of that there is no doubt, it is imminent
As if I will already have been embalmed and shrouded in it

٨. وَلي ساعَةٌ لا شَكَّ فيها وَشيكَةٌ
كَأَنِّيَ قَد حُنِّطتُ فيها وَكُفِّنتُ

9. Do you not see that the earth is a place of temporary lodging
However long I last and take up residence in it?

٩. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ الأَرضَ مَنزِلُ قُلعَةٍ
وَإِن طالَ تَعميري عَلَيها وَأَزمَنتُ

10. I am hostage to misfortunes, transferred about
Waiting for the cup of departure wherever I may be

١٠. وَإِنّي لَرَهنٌ بِالخُطوبِ مُصَرَّفٌ
وَمُنتَظِرٌ كَأسَ الرَدى حَيثُما كُنتُ