1. Turn away from this world and leave behind all that misleads you,
Obeying desires that lead you to ruin in dangerous places.
١. تَصَبَّر عَنِ الدُنيا وَدَع كُلَّ تائِهِ
مُطيعِ هَواً يَهوي بِهِ في المَهامِهِ
2. Leave people and this world, for there are those with fangs
Pouncing on it, and those with mouths agape before it.
٢. دَعِ الناسَ وَالدُنيا فَبَينَ مُكالِبٍ
عَلَيها بِأَنيابٍ وَبَينَ مُشافِهِ
3. He who does not hold himself accountable for his affairs
Will fall into grave, complex, and confusing troubles.
٣. وَمَن لَم يُحاسِب نَفسَهُ في أُمورِهِ
يَقَع في عَظيمٍ مُشكِلٍ مُتَشابِهِ
4. And none attained merit except by their patience
In resisting desires and bearing adversity.
٤. وَما فازَ أَهلُ الفَضلِ إِلّا بِصَبرِهِم
عَنِ الشَهَواتِ وَاحتِمالِ المَكارِهِ