1. Take from your certainty what dispels doubts,
And if a complex matter appears to you, leave it be.
١. خُذ مِن يَقينِكَ ما تَجلو الظُنونَ بِهِ
وَإِن بَدا لَكَ أَمرٌ مُشكِلٌ فَدَعِ
2. One may find himself in what he cannot comprehend,
With his mind suspended between despair and hope.
٢. قَد يُصبِحُ المَرءُ فيما لَيسَ يُدرِكُهُ
مُعَلَّقَ البالِ بَينَ اليَأسِ وَالطَمَعِ
3. People did not work to reform among themselves,
So some of them forced others into deception.
٣. لَم يَعمَلِ الناسُ في التَصحيحِ بَينَهُمُ
فَاِضطَرَّ بَعضُهُمُ بَعضاً إِلى الخُدَعِ