1. I was afflicted by my own soul, the evilest of souls I saw,
Stubbornly disobedient when I forbid it.
١. بُليتُ بِنَفسي شَرَّ نَفسٍ رَأَيتُها
لَجوجٍ تَمادى بي إِذا ما نَهَيتُها
2. How much ugly did I confess to,
And how many major sins did I commit.
٢. فَكَم مِن قَبيحٍ صِرتُ مُعتَرِفاً بِهِ
وَكَم مِن جِناياتٍ عِظامٍ جَنَيتُها
3. And how many caring advisors were generous to me,
But I wasted and refused their advice.
٣. وَكَم مِن شَفيقٍ باذِلٍ لي نَصيحَةً
وَلَكِنَّني ضَيَّعتُها وَأَبَيتُها
4. Worldly desires called me to the life of this world,
So I let go of my religion from my hands and went to it.
٤. دَعَتني إِلى الدُنيا دَواعٍ مِنَ الهَوى
فَأَرسَلتُ ديني مِن يَدي وَأَتَيتُها
5. And I have tricks with greed sometimes,
I flatter the life of this world with them and attain it.
٥. وَلي حِيَلٌ عِندَ المَطامِعِ رُبَّما
تَلَطَّفتُ لِلدُنيا بِها فَرَقَيتُها
6. I say to myself when it complained of the narrowness of its home,
As if I were in the grave - its home has narrowed.
٦. أَقولُ لِنَفسي إِذ شَكَت ضيقَ بَيتِها
كَأَنّي بِها في القَبرِ قَد ضاقَ بَيتُها
7. And I have in good traits an obstinate opponent
That discourages me from them when I intend them.
٧. وَلي في خِصالِ الخَيرِ ضِدٌّ مُعانِدٌ
يُثَبِّطُني عَنها إِذا ما نَوَيتُها
8. And I have a lifespan that will inevitably end one day
As if its time has come and I will finish it.
٨. وَلي مُدَّةٌ لا بُدَّ يَوماً سَتَنقَضي
كَأَن قَد أَتاني وَقتُها فَقَضَيتُها
9. So if I was insightful in the life of this world and lamented
For my soul to its inhabitants, I would eulogize it.
٩. فَلَو كُنتُ في الدُنيا بَصيراً وَقَد نَعَت
إِلى ساكِنيها نَفسَها لَنَعَيتُها
10. And if I was one of those who hold themselves accountable,
I would have defied my soul in desires and disobeyed it.
١٠. وَلَو أَنَّني مِمَّن يُحاسِبُ نَفسَهُ
لَخالَفتُ نَفسي في الهَوى وَعَصَيتُها
11. O you whom your soul threw into confusion,
And whom it deceived of its "if only" and "would that".
١١. أَياذا الَّذي أَلقَتهُ في الغَيِّ نَفسُهُ
وَمَن غَرَّهُ مِنها عَساها وَلَيتُها
12. Enough of this ignorance and deceit from you,
Because you are the living soul on earth - its deceased.
١٢. كَفانا بِهَذا مِنكَ جَهلاً وَغِرَّةً
لِأَنَّكَ حَيُّ النَفسِ في الأَرضِ مَيتُها