1. It is death, so do all that you can do
For you must drink the cup of death, inevitably
١. هُوَ المَوتُ فَاصنَع كُلَّما أَنتَ صانِعُ
وَأَنتَ لِكَأسِ المَوتِ لا بُدَّ جارِعُ
2. O man who deceives himself, gently, gently
Do you know who it is you are deceiving?
٢. أَلا أَيُّها المَرءُ المُخادِعُ نَفسَهُ
رُوَيداً أَتَدري مَن أَراكَ تُخادِعُ
3. O gatherer of the world for other than its purpose
You will leave it so see for whom you gather
٣. وَياجامِعَ الدُنيا لِغَيرِ بَلاغِهِ
سَتَترُكُها فَانظُر لِمَن أَنتَ جامِعُ
4. How many gatherers we have seen who have become
Lying between layers of dust upon their couches
٤. فَكَم قَد رَأَينا الجامِعينَ قَدَ اِصبَحَت
لَهُم بَينَ أَطباقِ التُرابِ مَضاجِعُ
5. If those with vision watched all that
They see, no eye would remain dry of tears
٥. لَوَ أَنَّ ذَوي الأَبصارِ يَرعونَ كُلَّ ما
يَرَونَ لَما جَفَّت لِعَينٍ مَدامِعُ
6. After Prophet Muhammad, people have transgressed
So the laws have been erased after the Prophet
٦. طَغى الناسُ مِن بَعدِ النَبِيِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
فَقَد دَرَسَت بَعدَ النَبِيِّ الشَرائِعُ
7. The wombs of the abstainers have become empty
While their orphans are exiled and hungry
٧. وَصارَت بُطونُ المُرمِلاتِ خَميصَةً
وَأَيتامُها مِنهُم طَريدٌ وَجائِعُ
8. As for the wombs of the over-indulgers, they are as if
Frogs are suffocating in their insides
٨. وَإِنَّ بُطونَ المُكثِراتِ كَأَنَّما
يُنَقنِقُ في أَجوافِهِنَّ الضَفادِعُ
9. The quenched one knows not the one whose thirst is prolonged
Nor does the sated one know the hungry one
٩. فَما يَعرِفُ العَطشانُ مَن طالَ رِيُّهُ
وَما يَعرِفُ الشَبعانُ مَن هُوَ جائِعُ
10. The affairs of these creatures belong to Allah alone
Each will inevitably return to Him
١٠. وَتَصريفُ هَذا الخَلقِ لِلَّهِ وَحدَهُ
وَكُلٌّ إِلَيهِ لا مَحالَةَ راجِعُ
11. For Allah there are in the world many wonders
That point to His wisdom and ingenuity
١١. وَلِلَّهِ في الدُنيا أَعاجيبُ جَمَّةً
تَدُلُّ عَلى تَدبيرِهِ وَبَدائيعُ
12. To Allah belong the mysteries of all matters though
Outwardly the benefits may appear amidst people
١٢. وَلِلَّهِ أَسرارُ الأُمورِ وَإِن جَرَت
بِها ظاهِراً بَينَ العِبادِ المَنافِعُ
13. To Allah belong the rulings of destiny, by His knowledge
He gives whom He wills, and He withholds
١٣. وَلِلَّهِ أَحكامُ القَضاءِ بِعِلمِهِ
أَلا فَهوَ مُعطٍ مَن يَشاءُ وَمانِعُ
14. If one you hope for is stingy with his bounty toward you
Then leave him, for sustenance in the earth is plentiful
١٤. إِذا ضَنَّ مَن تَرجو عَلَيكَ بِنَفعِهِ
فَدَعهُ فَإِنَّ الرِزقَ في الأَرضِ واسِعُ
15. Whoever makes the world his passion and concern
Will be enslaved by death and greedy ambitions
١٥. وَمَن كانَتِ الدُنيا هَواهُ وَهَمَّهُ
سَبَتهُ المُنى وَاستَعبَدَتهُ المَطامِعُ
16. Whoever uses intellect becomes reverent and honors himself
Whoever is content becomes self-sufficient - are you content?
١٦. وَمَن عَقَلَ اِستَحيا وَأَكرَمَ نَفسَهُ
وَمَن قَنِعَ استَغنى فَهَل أَنتَ قانِعُ
17. For every person there are two opinions: one that
Dissuades him from something, another that disputes
١٧. لِكُلِّ امرِئٍ رَأيانِ رَأيٌ يَكُفُّهُ
عَنِ الشَيءِ أَحياناً وَرَأيٌ يُنازِعُ