
O friend, affliction has grown and become prolonged

يا صاح قد عظم البلاء وطالا

1. O friend, affliction has grown and become prolonged
And after you I have become more passionate and lost

١. يا صاحِ قَد عَظُمَ البَلاءُ وَطالا
وَاِزدَدتُ بَعدَكَ صَبوَةً وَخَبالا

2. I have been burdened by one whom I dare not name
A heavy weight as if mountains weigh upon me

٢. حُمِّلتُ مِمَّن لا أُنَوِّهُ بِاِسمِهِ
ثِقلاً كَأَنَّ بِهِ عَلَيَّ جِبالا

3. What have I endured of love and its sickness
Therein lies the greatness of our Lord

٣. ماذا لَقيتُ مِنَ الهَوى وَسَقامِهِ
فيها تَبارَكَ رَبُّنا وَتَعالى

4. O you who are uniquely beautiful, do you not see
My eyes upon none but you find beauty

٤. يا مَن تَفَرَّدَ بِالجَمالِ فَما تَرى
عَيني عَلى أَحَدٍ سِواهُ جَمالا

5. I have invoked you frequently in my poetry
And made examples for you in my verses

٥. أَكثَرتُ في شِعري عَلَيكِ مِنَ الرُقى
وَضَرَبتُ في شِعري لَكِ الأَمثالا

6. Yet you refused except disdain and aloofness
And refused except passion and misguidance

٦. فَأَبَيتُ إِلّا جَفوَةً وَتَمَنُّعاً
وَأَبيتُ إِلّا صَبوَةً وَضَلالا

7. By God, speak truth if I asked you
Did you find my murder legal in the Book

٧. بِاللَهِ قَولي إِن سَأَلتُكِ وَاِصدُقي
أَوَجَدتِ قَتلي في الكِتابِ حَلالا

8. Or not, so why did you spurn and oppress me
And make me degraded amongst all people

٨. أَم لا فَفيمَ جَفَوتِني وَظَلَمتِني
وَجَعَلتِني لِلعالَمينَ نَكالا

9. How many blamers, if I heard what they say
Would blame me, forbid me, rebuke and speak

٩. كَم لائِمٍ لَو كُنتُ أَسمَعُ قَولُهُ
قَد لامَني وَنَهى وَعَدَّ وَقالا

10. I trusted in the days and their vicissitudes
When I held fast to the ropes of the Prince

١٠. إِنّي أَمِنتُ مِنَ الزَمانِ وَرَيبِهِ
لَمّا عَلِقتُ مِنَ الأَميرِ حِبالا

11. If people could from his veneration
They would don shoes of gold in respect of him

١١. لَو يَستَطيعُ الناسُ مِن إِجلالِهِ
لَحَذَوا لَهُ حُرَّ الحُجوهِ نِعالا

12. This generosity was not so, until you were
A life, and if one day you would slip, you would stumble

١٢. ما كانَ هَذا الجودُ حَتّى كُنتَ يا
عَمرٌ وَلَو يَوماً تَزولُ لَزالا

13. Verily the steeds complain of you
For to you they have galloped over soft sands

١٣. إِنَّ المَطايا تَشتَكيكَ لِأَنَّها
قَطَعَت إِلَيكَ سَباسِباً وَرِمالا

14. When they bring us to you they come lightly
And when they take us back they come heavily

١٤. فَإِذا أَتينَ بِنا أَتينَ مُخِفَّةً
وَإِذا رَجَعنَ بِنا رَجَعنَ ثِقالا