1. We were created for a grand purpose
Yet we sleep in misery
١. لِعَظيمٍ مِنَ الأُمورِ خُلِقنا
غَيرَ أَنّا مَعَ الشَقاءِ نِيامُ
2. Each day the inevitable draws nearer
And death creeps closer to our souls
٢. كُلَّ يَومٍ يَحُطُّ آجالَنا الدَه
رُ وَيَدنو إِلى النُفوسِ الحِمامُ
3. We care not, nor see it as distressing
If only we had learned from distress
٣. لا نُبالي وَلا نَراهُ غَراماً
ذا لَعَمري لَوِ اِتَّعَظنا الغَرامُ
4. We hoped in him for worldly gain
And said to him "peace be upon you"
٤. مَن رَجَونا لَدَيهِ دُنيا وَصَلنا
هُ وَقُلنا لَهُ عَلَيكَ السَلامُ
5. We care not if we gathered it lawfully
Or unlawfully, for the unlawful is not made lawful
٥. ما نُبالي أَمِن حَلالٍ جَمَعنا
أَم حَرامٍ وَلا يَحِلُّ الحَرامُ
6. Our concern is frivolity and multiplying wealth
And this building and servants
٦. هَمُّنا اللَهوُ وَالتَكاثُرُ في الما
لِ وَهَذا البِناءُ وَالخُدّامُ
7. How can we buy the fleeting life with lasting
Where is reason and inspiration?
٧. كَيفَ نَبتاعُ فانِيَ العَيشِ بِالدا
ئِمِ أَينَ العُقولُ وَالرَحلامُ
8. Had we been ignorant, it would be an excuse
But we are all knowing
٨. لَو جَهِلنا فَنائَها وَقَعَ العُذ
رُ وَلَكِنَّ كُلَّنا عَلّامُ