1. What life could be more eloquent than one
Of bare subsistence, food enough to live?
١. أَيُّ عَيشٍ يَكونُ أَبلَغَ مِن عَي
شٍ كَفافٍ قوتٍ بِقَدرِ البَلاغِ
2. The wrongdoer cannot escape unharmed,
And wrongs himself does every wrongful man.
٢. صاحِبُ البَغيِ لَيسَ يَسلَمُ مِنهُ
وَعَلى نَفسِهِ بَغى كُلُّ باغِ
3. Full many with blessings are beset, but find
Between them and enjoyment barriers rise.
٣. رُبَّ ذي نِعمَةٍ تَعَرَّضَ مِنها
حائِلٌ بَينَهُ وَبَينَ المَساغِ
4. Most eloquent of teachers is old age;
It tells me more than finest words convey.
٤. أَبلَغَ الدَهرُ في مَواعِظِهِ بَل
زادَ فيهِنَّ لي عَلى الإِبلاغِ
5. My reason, wealth, and youth the days betrayed,
My health and leisure too are now betrayed.
٥. غَبَنَتني الأَيّامُ عَقلي وَمالي
وَشَبابي وَصِحَّتي وَفَراغي