1. Oh, the wonder of people and their heedlessness,
And their long delusion and vain play!
١. أَيا عَجَباً لِلناسِ في طولِ ما سَهَوا
وَفي طولِ ما اغتَرّوا وَفي طولِ ما لَهَوا
2. They claim to hope in God - a hollow plea,
If they truly hoped, they would fear as they hope.
٢. يَقولونَ نَرجو اللَهَ دَعوى مَريضَةً
وَلَو أَنَّهُم يَرجونَ خافوا كَما رَجَوا
3. Men of age and dignity flock
To frivolity, heedless of what they came for.
٣. تَصابى رِجالٌ مِن كُهولٍ وَجِلَّةٍ
إِلى اللَهوِ حَتّى لا يُبالونَ ما أَتَوا
4. So shameful that grey hair, when its owner
Frolics like a youth when passions stir him.
٤. فَيا سَوءَتا لِلشَيبِ إِذ صارَ أَهلُهُ
إِذا هَيَّجَتهُم لِلصِبا صَبوَةٌ صَبَوا
5. The sons of this world cling to it though
The days will wean them from it, if they but weaned.
٥. أَكَبَّ بَنو الدُنيا عَلَيها وَإِنَّهُم
لَتَنهاهُمُ الأَيّامُ عَنها لَوِ انتَهَوا
6. Before us generations passed, epochs we count,
And soon we too shall pass as they have passed.
٦. مَضى قَبلَنا قَومٌ قُرونٌ نَعُدُّها
وَنَحنُ وَشيكاً سَوفَ نَمضي كَما مَضَوا
7. In God's cause, what remorse not to die
As those before died, whenever they withdrew!
٧. أَلا في سَبيلِ اللَهِ أَيُّ نَدامَةٍ
نَموتُ كَما ماتَ الأُلى كُلَّما خَلَوا
8. Nor for the Resurrection have we provided,
As those who feared God and piety pursued.
٨. وَلَم نَتَزَوَّد لِلمَعادِ وَهَولِهِ
كَزادِ الَّذينَ استَعصَموا اللَهَ وَاتَّقَوا
9. Oh where, where are they - the hoarders for others?
Never did abundance make them overbear nor swell.
٩. أَلا أَينَ أَينَ الجامِعونَ لِغَيرِهِم
وَما غَلَبوا غَشماً عَلَيهِ وَما اِحتَوَوا
10. The high-climbers of this world, I observed,
Descend according to how high they climb.
١٠. رَأَيتُ بَني الدُنيا إِذا ما سَمَوا بِها
هَوَت بِهِمِ الدُنيا عَلى قَدرِ ما سَمَوا
11. All mortal humankind, though gone astray,
Are leveled in frailty, want and equality.
١١. وَكُلُّ بَني الدُنيا وَلَو تاهَ تائِهٌ
قَدِ اعتَدَلوا في الضَعفِ وَالنَقصِ وَاستَوَوا
12. Naught like sincerity have I seen
To warm a stranger's heart, where the righteous bond.
١٢. وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ الصِدقِ أَجلى لِوَحشَةٍ
وَلا مِثلَ إِخوانِ الصَلاحِ إِذا اتَّقَوا