
We desire survival, though troubles lie in wait,

نريد بقاء والخطوب تكيد

1. We desire survival, though troubles lie in wait,
yet no man's wish decides his final fate.

١. نُريدُ بَقاءً وَالخُطوبُ تَكيدُ
وَلَيسَ المُنى لِلمَرءِ كَيفَ يُريدُ

2. He who feels safe from the days, through their breadth, is mad;
through their narrowness, faces hardship instead.

٢. وَمَن يَأمَنُ الأَيامَ أَمّا اتِّساعُها
فَخَبلٌ وَأَمّا ضيقُها فَشَديدُ

3. What days won't bring a man news, lessons time has honed?
He sees increase brings loss - loss comes with all he's grown.

٣. وَأَيُّ بَني الأَيّامِ إِلّا وَعِندَهُ
مِنَ الدَهرِ عِلمٌ طارِفٌ وَتَليدُ

4. Strange how convinced you are by this world that all ends;
yet in it you still seek eternal life, my friend.

٤. يَرى ما يَزيدُ وَالزِيادَةُ نَقصُهُ
أَلا إِنَّ نَقصَ الشَيءِ حينَ يَزيدُ

5. See how all tillage and offspring eventually die,
though some stand, and some are harvested - all fade and dry.

٥. وَمِن عَجَبِ الدُنيا يَقينُكَ بِالفَنا
وَأَنَّكَ فيها لِلبَقاءِ مُريدُ

6. Many ages, my friend, have withered and collapsed,
yet you'll fade as those long ages faded in the past.

٦. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ الحَرثَ وَالنَسلَ كُلَّهُ
يَبيدُ وَمِنهُ قائِمٌ وَحَصيدُ

7. Many now lie beneath the earth, who built upon it,
establishing castles, cities, monuments of grit.

٧. لَعَمري لَقَد بادَت قُرونٌ كَثيرَةٌ
وَأَنتَ كَما بادَ القُرونُ تَبيدُ

8. Erasers of men - time wipes names away,
none remain recorded on his page for aye.

٨. وَكَم صارَ تَحتَ الأَرضِ مِن خامِدٍ بِها
وَقَد كانَ يَبني فَوقَها وَيَشيدُ

9. Death has causes seen and unseen, fleeting, staying;
Time makes promises and threats, betraying, delaying.

٩. وَكَم مِن عَديدٍ قَد مَحا الدَهرُ ذِكرَهُم
كَذا الدَهرُ لايَبقى عَلَيهِ عَديدُ

10. O Lord of decay! All things new are bound to waste;
That which makes all things new is new until replaced.

١٠. وَلِلمَوتِ عِلّاتٌ تَجَلّى وَتَختَفي
وَلِلدَهرِ وَعدٌ مَرَّةً وَوَعيدُ

١١. وَرَبِّ البِلى إِنَّ الجَديدَ إِلى البِلى
وَإِنَّ الَّذي يُبلي الجَديدَ جَديدُ