
Silence without thought is error

الصمت في غير فكرة سهو

1. Silence without thought is error
And speech without wisdom is vain

١. الصَمتُ في غَيرِ فِكرَةٍ سَهو
وَالقَولُ في غَيرِ حِكمَةٍ لَغو

2. Whoever desires excellence - withdrawing from
Love of the world's trifles is excellence

٢. وَمَن بَغى السَروَ فَالتَنَزُّهُ عَن
حُبِّ فُضولِ الدُنيا هُوَ السَروُو

3. Ask no more about it, for it is mere play
Vanishing quickly, and it is but vain fantasy

٣. تَسَلَّ عَنها فَإِنَّها لَعِبٌ
تَفنى سَريعاً وَإِنَّها لَهوُو

4. For the sweetness of life tomorrow is not what
It was yesterday - bitterness mixes with its sweet

٤. وَإِنَّ حُلوَ الدُنيا غَداً غَيرَ ما
شَكٍ لِمُرٍّ وَمُرُّها حُلو