
You see a young man joking with his brother and friend

وترى الفتى يلقى أخاه وخدنه

1. You see a young man joking with his brother and friend
In part of his talk with what cannot be forgiven

١. وَتَرى الفَتى يَلقى أَخاهُ وَخِدنَهُ
في بَعضِ مَنطِقِهِ بِما لا يُغفَرُ

2. And he says I was just playing and teasing
Alas, your fire spreads in the thicket

٢. وَيَقولُ كُنتُ مُلاعِباً وَمُمازِحاً
هَيهاتَ نارُكَ في الحَشا تَتَسَعَّرُ

3. You started it and went on laughing heedlessly
While his heart breaks from what you said

٣. أَلقَيتَها وَطَفِقتَ تَضحَكُ لاهِياً
وَفُؤادُهُ مِمّا بِهِ يَتَفَطَّرُ

4. Don't you know, and ignorance like yours often
That joking is the greatest insult

٤. أَوما عَلِمتَ وَمِثلُ جَهلِكَ غالِبٌ
أَنَّ المِزاحَ هُوَ السِبابُ الأَكبَرُ