1. Every building you build is a wondrous miracle
Did you build glories or did you build homes?
١. أكل بناءٍ أنت بانيه معجز
بنيت المعالي أم بنيت المنازلا
2. Neither human nor jinn build the like of them as landmarks
Nor fortresses the like of them as citadels
٢. فلا الإنس تبني مثلهن معالماً
ولا الجنّ تبني مثلهن معاقلا
3. Churches that have become turbans for the clouds
Lofty and in the darkness they are lamp posts
٣. كنائس أضحت للغمام عمائماً
علواً وأمست في الظلام قنادلا
4. Sanctuaries as if modeled on the chest of their Lord
And whites as if competing with the attributes
٤. رحابٌ كأن قد شاكلت صدر ربّها
وبيضٌ كأن قد نازعته الشمائلا
5. And a courtyard that makes the earth boast to its sky
With the last being wider than the first
٥. وبهوٌ تباهي الأرض منه سماءها
بأوسع منها آخر وأوائلا
6. And a courtyard in which the eye moves but it was not
To cross it on foot except in stages
٦. وصحنٍ يسير الطرف فيه ولم يكن
ليقطعه بالسير إلا مراحلا
7. The patterns of plaster appear on its walls
As fine tattooing adorns the fingers
٧. تلوح نقوش الجصّ في جدرانه
كما زيّن الوشم الدقيق الأناملا
8. And water, when you see its clarity from it
You would think the stars of night melted into liquids
٨. وماءٌ إذا أبصرتَ منه صفاءه
حسبت نجوم الليل ذابت سوائلا
9. I saw swords that crept over the ground
And the hands of the winds became its polishers
٩. رأيت سيوفاً قد سللن على الثرى
وصارت لها أيدي الريّاح صياقلا
10. And a garden as fresh as the question of the asker
And your face good omen when glancing hopefully
١٠. وروضٌ كعيش السائليك نضارةً
ووجهك بشراً حين تلحظ آملا
11. Its branches for the light thus became chambers
Its chambers for the scent thus became branches
١١. أصائله للنور لآضحت هواجراً
هواجره للطيب أضحت أصائلا
12. It is the house that has become the place of knowledge so it lived
And for it the attainers of hopes became fresh attainers
١٢. هي الدار أمست مطرح العلم فاغتدى
لها ناهل الآمال ريّان ناهلا
13. If the riding company sought it out
They would not require a guide other than he who was a caravan leader
١٣. إذا ما انتحاها الركب لم يتطلبوا
إليها دليلاً غير من كان قافلاً
14. And you are a man who gave what if he asked it
Of your gods, the people would say you asked excessively
١٤. وأنت امرؤٌ أعطيت ما لو سألته
آلهك قال الناس أسرفت سائلا
15. And my composing poetry to you after
You learned it from me, the dew and sublime traits
١٥. وآني وإلزاميك بالشعر بعدما
تعلّمته منك الندى والفواضلا
16. Is like obligating the Lord of the house the rent of his house
And the like of you gave out of two paths an attainer
١٦. كملزم ربِّ الدار أجرةَ داره
ومثلك أعطى من طريقين نائلا