1. The king in my view is the pleasure of youth
And isolation in my view is the separation of loved ones
١. الملك عندي متعة الشباب
والعزل عندي فرقة الأحباب
2. And poverty in my view is the lack of drink
And old age in my view is the lies of dye
٢. والفقر عندي عدم الشراب
والشيب عندي كذب الخضاب
3. And ugliness in my view is the lack of manners
And wedding in my view is the night of scripture
٣. والقبح عندي عدم الآداب
والعرس عندي ليلة الكِتاب
4. And the garden in my view is the salt of nomads
And hatred in my view is the abundance of expressions
٤. والروض عندي مُلحُ الأعراب
والبغض عندي كثرة الإعراب
5. And the sword in my view is the pen of scripture
And success in my view is the speed of return
٥. والسيف عندي قلم الكتاب
والنجح عندي سرعة الإياب
6. And expulsion in my view is the slap of the doorman
And humiliation in my view is the stance of the barrier
٦. والطرد عندي كلحة البواب
والذلّ عندي وقفة الحجاب
7. And drought in my view is the lack of friends
And ill omens in my view is the abundance of rebuke
٧. والقحط عندي قلة الأصحاب
والشؤم عندي كثرة العتاب
8. And blindness in my view is the nonsense of speech
And dignity in my view is obedience to what is right
٨. والعيُّ عندي هذر الخطاب
والعزّ عندي طاعة الصواب
9. And the deity in my view is the emptiness of wastelands
And the ghoul in my view is the emergence of the liar
٩. والإلُّ عندي خلّة القحاب
والغول عندي طلعة الكذاب
10. And forgiveness in my view is the most eloquent punishment
And blame in my view is the foolishness of drinking
١٠. والصفح عندي أبلغ العقاب
واللوم عندي سفه الشراب
11. And yesterday in my view is the swiftest of fleeers
And money in my view is the swiftest of thieves
١١. والأمس عندي أسرع الهرَّاب
والمال عندي أسرع الهِراب
12. And tomorrow in my view is the truth for students
And pride in my view is the proudest of clothes
١٢. والغدّ عندي الحقّ للطلاب
والفخر عندي أفخر الثياب
13. And prison in my view is the home of soil
And horror in my view is the station of judgment
١٣. والسجن عندي منزل التراب
والهول عندي موقف الحساب