1. More faithful than her meeting is the thought of her
Who dictates to me the book of beauty and transcribes its letters,
١. وقينةٍ أحسن من لقياها
تملي كتاب الحسن مقلتاها
2. Dots it, gives it shape, and sketches its outlines.
When it takes form, we recite it
٢. ونقطه وشكله خداها
إذا اجتلاها أنشدناها
3. With ease. It guides its leader. In traveling, indeed, it directs his feet.
Freedom is written on its plaits.
٣. بجسرةٍ قائدها براها
في السير بل سائقها رجلاها
4. What miserliness can you see in a rider of her stature?
٤. قد كتب العتق على ذفراها
أي قلوصٍ راكبٍ تراها