
Say to the son of smoke, when you come to him

قل لابن دخان إذا جئته

1. Say to the son of smoke, when you come to him
And his face glistens from the soot

١. قل لابن دخان إذا جئته
ووجهه يندى من القرقف

2. In the staff of his mother a slave, even if he
Was multiples of what is in Surat Al-Zukhruf

٢. في أست أمه جاري ولو أنه
أضعاف ما في سورة الزخرف

3. And slap the nape of humiliation, even if he
Between the nape of the priest and the bishop

٣. واصفع قفا الذل ولو أنه
بين قفا القسيس والأسقف

4. Time has enabled you to take the lead
So stick to them safely and discreetly

٤. مكنك الدهر سبال الورى
فاحلق لحاهم آمناً وانتف

5. The office has been emptied of a watcher for you
With a vigilant determination and overseer

٥. خلا لك الديوان من ناظر
مستيقظ العزم ومن مشرف

6. So gain and collect and store and hoard
And steal and betray and grab and snatch and pilfer

٦. فاكسب وحصل وادخر واكتنز
واسرق وخن وابطش وخذ واخطف

7. And take advantage of the opportunity before
The Gospel is raised by the Scripture

٧. واستغنم الفترة من قبل أن
يرتفع الإنجيل بالمصحف

8. This is the smoke of poetry I have sent
To the smoke of the foolish torch

٨. هذا دخان الشعر أرسلته
إلى دخان المشعل الأسخف