
The smile of guidance glittering with joy

ثغر الهدى متبلج بسام

1. The smile of guidance glittering with joy
And the faces of the days of time are beautiful

١. ثغر الهدى متبلج بسام
ووجوه أيام الزمان وسام

2. The determination of God for His servant and guardian
A determination the pens have flowed with his good fortune

٢. عزم الإله لعبده ووليه
عزماً جرت بسعوده الأقلام

3. And he saw with God's light a necklace of chrysolite
Made happy by it the brothers-in-law and uncles

٣. ورأى بنور الله عقد صهارة
سعدت به الأخوال والأعمام

4. When his enviers moved to thwart him
He confirmed it despite them, their noses buried in the sand

٤. لما تعرض حاسدوه لرده
أمضاه كرها والأنوف رغام

5. And he completed what the guarantor did first
Indeed a good beginning is made better by completion

٥. وأتم ما فعل الكفيل طلائع
إن البداية حسنها الإتمام

6. And if you were loyal, he was loyal to you before
And it sufficed you when the loyal ones betrayed and withdrew

٦. ولئن وفيت لقد وفى لك قبلها
وكفاك إذ خان الكفاة وخاموا

7. And without the sincerity he first showed you
He would pasture the stray even after him

٧. وبدون ما أولاك من إخلاصه
يرعى ذمار بعده وذمام

8. I said to the group who opposed
Against what you wish though you are the imam

٨. قد قلت للنفر الذين تعرضوا
بخلاف ما تهوى وأنت إمام

9. The caliphate continues to support it
Divine aid and inspiration from its Lord

٩. إن الخلافة لا يزال يمدها
من ربها التأييد والإلهام

10. So when it concludes some of the foreordained
It is refreshing to the breast of guidance and wellbeing

١٠. فإذا قضت بعض القضاء فإنه
برد على كبد الهدى وسلام

11. Does the Merciful not have an intimacy with you
That imaginations cannot ascend its degrees?

١١. أوليس للرحمن فيك سريرة
لم ترق في درجاتها الأوهام

12. You were detained only for a company of kinsfolk
Perhaps you are veiled among them, aloof and remote

١٢. لم تعتقل إلا عقيلة معشر
لعلاك منهم غارب وسنام

13. The sons of your patron whom the clouds parted for
And the clouds poured out rain for us

١٣. أبناء رزيك الذين تكشفت
عنا بهم غمم وجاد غمام

14. Join your unity with theirs as if they are
Through familiarity, binding partnerships and bonds

١٤. ضموا بشملك شملهم وكأنهم
من إلفة ألف تضم ولام

15. And you became like the five fingers in the hand of guidance
While time is nothing but your thumb

١٥. وغدوتم كالخمس في كف الهدى
والدهر إلا أنك الإبهام

16. This enduring station immortalized upon you
Forever as long as they last

١٦. هذا المقام العاضدي مخلد
أبداً عليك ودائم ما داموا

17. And Abu Shuja, your guardian, forbade
All obstinate people that which is sacrosanct

١٧. وأبو شجاع كافل لك أنه
حرم على أهل العناد حرام

18. You held fast to its principles and tied the pact
To Him belongs annulment and tying

١٨. لزمت ملازمها وأبرم عقدها
ملك إليه النقض والإبرام

19. The Just son of the Righteous, the Sublime Protector
And the cub protecting what the wolf protected

١٩. العادل بن الصالح الحامي العلى
والشبل يحمي ما حمى الضرغام

20. A king whose vestments of kingship shine
To onlookers, tranquility and shelter

٢٠. ملك يلوح على معاطف ملكه
للناظرين سكينة وعرام

21. Time gathered singular merit to his rein
In a hand that bestows bounty and compels

٢١. جمع الزمان فرد فضل عنانه
بيد لها الإنعام والإرغام

22. The step of the Exalted stumbled but He steadied it
Settling what stumbles from fear of steps

٢٢. وتزلزت قدم العلى فأقرها
ثبت تزول لخوفه الأقدام

23. His swords have lost sleep since they were drawn
Becoming the people's eyelids while they sleep

٢٣. سهرت جفون سيوفه مذ سلها
فغدت جفون الناس وهي نيام

24. He gifted you a blessed gift
Bonds of kinship glow at its acceptance

٢٤. أهدى إليك هدية ميمونة
بقبولها تتواشج الأرحام

25. Both your hands preserved the secret entrusted in them
And the One Aware

٢٥. وحفظت سر وديعة علمت بها
أيديكما والواحد العلام

26. And you received it from Him - your comfort
By which religion and life are glorified

٢٦. وتسلمتها منه راحتك التي
للدين والدنيا بها استعظام

27. You journeyed from the bosom that has always
Crowds for the children of hope swarming about

٢٧. رحلت من الكنف الذي مازال في
أرجائه لبني الرجاء زحام

28. An abode in which knowledge sleeps in its chambers
Studied while standards flutter about it

٢٨. كنف يبيت العلم في حجراته
يتلى وتخفق حوله الأعلام

29. You met with it in the hospitality that because of it
The envious men sat while they once stood

٢٩. ولقيتها بكرامة من أجلها
قعد الرجال الحاسدون وقاموا

30. And you took residence from your good opinion
Not furnished by any generosity or honor

٣٠. وتبوأت من حسن رأيك منزلاً
لم يعده كرم ولا إكرام

31. The noble palace did not please you though
Its balconies are erect with lamps

٣١. لم يرضك القصر الشريف وقد
شرفاته بالنيرات تقام

32. So your honorable nature which journeys
For revelation and dwells nearby brought it there

٣٢. فأحلها الإكرام خاطرك الذي
للوحي عنه رحلة ومقام

33. This delighted the Commander of the Faithful
Prohibited by the King and Islam

٣٣. يهنا أمير المؤمنين مسرة
هناه عنها الملك والإسلام

34. If he did not forgive with banter his servants
Awe and reverence would have prevented them

٣٤. لو لم يسامح بالهناء عبيده
لنهاهم الإجلال والإعظام

35. If he had not overlooked their shortcomings
Understanding would stumble on its train

٣٥. ولو أنه لم يغض عن تقصيرهم
عثرت بذيل قصورها الأفهام

36. Oh Just One! If not for the fairness of his law
Time and rulers would be unjust

٣٦. يا عادلاً لولا شريعة عدله
جار الزمان وجارت الحكام

37. It would have been easy for ministers before it
To destroy the worthless so ruin prevailed

٣٧. قد كانت الوزراء يسهل عندها
هدم الحطيم لأن يصح حطام

38. The Treasury would spend the night complaining
Of blood and wine it is drained for

٣٨. ويبيت بيت المال يشكو جورهم
مما يراق به دم ومدام

39. It removed by the light of your justice
The world's woes - no wrong or darkness

٣٩. حي أزلت بنور عدلك
علة الدنيا فلا ظلم ولا إظلام

40. For the Treasury you carried treasures from yourself
That days like them stored up for you

٤٠. حملت لبيت المال عنك ذخائر
ذخرت علاك لمثلها الأيام

41. And you shepherded the rights of Muslims
With a care they pray for you if you wished and fasted

٤١. ورعيت حق المسلمين رعاية
صلوا بها لك لو أردت وصاموا

42. From your hands much good flowed
To become for you souls and bodies

٤٢. راحت أياد من يديك جسيمة
فغدت لك الأرواح والأجسام

43. And the people of the lowlands were certain that
With the existence of your generosity, want ceases

٤٣. وتيقنت أهل البسيطة أنه
بوجود جودك يعدم الإعدام

44. If you were not the heir of Adam
Shem and Ham would not live comfortably in your bounty

٤٤. لو لم تكن بوصي آدم لم يعش
سام ويافث في نداك وحام

45. Oh lords! If not for the virtues of their glory
No seal would be untied from the musk of praise

٤٥. يا سادة لولا مناقب مجدهم
ما فض عن مسك الثناء ختام

46. I would negate mention of the sun if it did not please you
Or the full moon in your right

٤٦. ألغيت ذكر الشمس إذ لم أرضها
في حقكم والبدر وهو تمام

47. When can lamps be compared to you?
Their rising is to serve the likes of you

٤٧. ومتى تقاس النيرات إليكم
وسعودهن لمثلكم خدام

48. You remained despite the excellent praise of you
While the excellent and bounty are yours

٤٨. فبقيتم وعلي حسن ثنائكم
وعليكم الإحسان والإنعام