
Today, its soul returned to Al Mahallah

اليوم عاد إلى المحلة روحها

1. Today, its soul returned to Al Mahallah
And the one who would heal its people and comfort them

١. اليوم عاد إلى المحلة روحها
ومزيل علة أهلها ومريحها

2. And it was glad after the gloom, for indeed
The guardian of its affairs is its trusted and advisor

٢. واستبشرت بعد العبوس وإنما
ولي الأمور أمينها ونصيحها

3. It returned to its former state, so it became
Such that the pain of illness cannot wear down its health

٣. عادت إلى الحال القديم فأصبحت
لا يشتطي ألم السقام صحيحها

4. Undoubtedly, its period of misfortune
Has passed, so the winds of happiness blew for it

٤. لاشك إلا أن مدة نحسها
زالت فهبت بالسعادة ريحها

5. It rejoiced in Saif Al-Din with an intense joy
And he brought life back to it like a healer

٥. فرحت بسيف الدين فرحة مهجة
وافى إليها بالحياة مسيحها