
Whoever seeks help from other than Allah will not be helped

من استعان بغير الله لم يعن

1. Whoever seeks help from other than Allah will not be helped
And whoever prides himself on the Most Merciful will not be disgraced

١. من استعان بغير الله لم يعن
ومن تعزز بالرحمن لم يهن

2. The most free of people is he whose inner thoughts
Are pure of the intrusion of hatred and resentment

٢. وأروح الناس من باتت سريرته
نقية من دخيل الحقد والضغن

3. Reckon your conscience and you'll be safe from its obstacles
And restrain it from the perils of eyes and ears

٣. حاسب ضميرك تأمن من بوائقه
وازجره من خطرات العين والأذن

4. And arise when you falter in the decline of years
Arise alert from the heedlessness of old age

٤. وقم إذا رنقت في مقلة سنة
قيام منتبه من غفلة الوسن

5. Appealing through the Messenger of Allah and his daughter
Her husband, and al-Husayn the pure, and al-Hasan

٥. متشفعاً برسول الله وابنته
وبعلها والحسين الطهر والحسن

6. And don't let the secret of a happy life deceive you
For its end is anxiety and grief

٦. ولا يغرنك عمر سر أوله
فإن آخره للهم والحزن

7. He whom you used to remember will make you forget death
As if before death, you never were

٧. ينساك بالموت من قد كنت تذكره
حتى كأنك قبل الموت لم تكن

8. And every brother will turn away from you after burial
And only righteous deeds will enter the shroud

٨. وينثني عنك بعد الدفن كل أخ
ويدخل العمل المبرور في الكفن

9. And know, my sacrifice, that truthfulness is best
Whether you commit yourself in secret or openly

٩. واعلم فديتك أن الصدق أفضل
ما ألزمت نفسك في سر وفي علن

10. Without Abu al-'Izz's truthful intention
In word and deed, he would not have escaped ordeals

١٠. هذا أبو العز لولا صدق نيته
في القول والفعل لم يخلص من المحن

11. And God revealed in them his innocence
What was never imagined or supposed before

١١. وأظهر الله فيها من براءته
ما لم يجل قط في الأوهام والظنن

12. It did not harm him that fate opposed him
And that his days betrayed him and he did not betray

١٢. ما ضره أن صرف الدهر عانده
وأن أيامه خانت ولم يخن